AnneJ, I also think the idea that I might have had a crisis that calmed down to a transition is very probable.
xyzcf. Your idea is interesting and I also thought of that as well. I feel remorse more so than guilt for my affair. (The guilt I feel is not associated with the affair, but rather with the desire to refuse to come to the man-cave.) Nevertheless I am haunted by the affair it in several ways, mostly I think as a reminder of that part of me that I left behind. And then also, surprisingly, out of loneliness. OM was a friend when I didn't feel I had one. The energy I felt from him was palpable and intense. It could knock me over from across the room. I felt like he was GIVING something. When I am with H, i feel I am sucked dry. Literally. The life force is drained out of me. I am not saying that my 'love' for OM was real. This is a haunting, not a real person. Yes I had those feelings at a time...But I am not going to commit them to that person. I am glad there is a reminder of it though...something telling me there is more to human relations than just this sad drama I am caught up in.
When I had the affair I did not use MLC as an excuse. Like AnneJ says, I didn't know what MLC was at the time. I did not find out about MLC until my H started ramping up his bizzare behavior and then gave me the line "I am going to start seeing someone and she wont like it if you and I are sleeping together".
Whether i found this site just before he said that or after he did... Hardly matters; I look at his behavior and mine overall at that point.
It is not even that I want to define what happened to me as "normal" or "mlc". I don't need an excuse for what happened. It felt normal for me to go through at that point...It happened. Perhaps it needed to happen. One could say that in MLC everything was perfect and there was no NEED for the affair, but that's not true either...that's not a difference. Doesn't matter if the marriage was 10 years or 20 or 30. I can't see what happened any other way, although I still wish I had done yoga instead.
So then i come back to the idea of my affair being about a character flaw. Yes, certainly my husband felt it was. He told the counselor that I was a serial offender. And that i have male friends...famous ones, he boasted, and that he generally doesnt mind my having famous male friends, because that's "cool".
So he meant that although it's okay with him that I have male friends other than him, he is uncomfortable with my having certain male friends, maybe if they aren't famous? and he suspects my interest in them is beyond their name-dropping value.
This is not true. I have always had more male friends than female because (and I am more and more aware of this only recently) my mother is a narcissistic verbal abuser. She has improved as I get better at boundaries. But I have really hard time with any woman getting bossy with me, or controlling. And I often, as with my SIL, allow the boundaries with women to be crossed. I compromise a lot with her. But I really really have a hard time with bossy female voices...even in yoga. So, I have always fled to the more comforting chat I had with my male friends. Most of them were musicians and artists, I was an artist and a we had a lot to talk about. Many of my best male friends have died. One contacted me from out of the blue and we struck up a very close connection involving design discussions, discussions about marriage. he has been divorced twice. Has three children. There is a strong pull in me to be very close friends with him...he talks to me! About important things! He shares his feelings with me! But there has never been anything physical. Am I in love? Well, no. I would say agape but not eros. Still, the closeness we had a few summers ago (2009) after H declared there would be NO MORE CHILDREN, was threatening to H and he asked me to stop texting with him. I did. Character-wise, I don't know what to do. I am torn. I am married. I am standing. I would like friends, but I am not looking to date or have sex. It's hard for me to not want some degree of closeness with someone. It's hard to not have closeness with H. But this is what you are for, right? I could write all day to no one and it would not be the same. The hope that someone will read and understand is fulfilling.
There were no flirtations, no intentions of betrayal. I am not a serial philanderer or anything like it. I don't even flirt openly with anyone...he has never had a concern about my behavior around other men. But yes, I did find intimacy and friendship in others when he was not there for me. And that is a flaw of character. But so is adultery. So is monster. In that same sense. Maybe someone normally doesn't steal, but if they go out and steal a car one day, they will probably end up in the MLCer has character flaws. Even if they are temporary. These are flaws deep down in the shadow that are flipping outward and taking the place of the normal character we know.
I guess what I am trying to say is that I do think I had a crisis, that we are both in crisis, even if I sought appropriate help early on and reigned in my crisis to a great extent. I did spend several months in therapy blaming my husband for my behavior. It's very hard to not do that still as when I look back I still see so much he did to hurt me, but it's not the same now. Now it's his problem and my problem is separate. I need to understand this, and it helps me to see my condition in light of MLC as then I can focus on me...i can see my path better, I can make it through the depression without the replay, without the denial. We have no one here whose spouse sees themselves as being in MLC while they are in it? But even my friend, who has all the classic symptoms of MLC, was able to answer my accusation and say "Maybe OW is a projection of my Anima".
If I am in the midst of my own crisis this causes problems for others who want to think the MLCer wont look at themselves. Except that I probably dont look at myself enough and DO blame my H...but that's how this understanding of crisis started: with H going high-energy into his affair. So that's sort of an inevitability when there are two crises.
THis is way too long. I just woke up and had to write. I think the main point is that Identity transition in midlife is normal and is important and overwhelming as adolescent identity transition. So everyone has to go through the's how much foot-dragging they do along the way that creates the level of crisis. And if this is true, roughly, then it is POSSIBLE that most midlife affairs ARE MLC affairs and should be handled that way. Not as in excuses, but the person should be seen as being in crisis and struggling with an important transition. Self-focus (and the end of replay behaviors, denial, attachment, co-dependency) are my prescription for myself, and how is that not what is recommended here for all of us?
I know I have a lot more thinking to do about this, but this is where I am today.