Rediscover--I find it interesting that you reacted so strongly to thinking you were being told to divorce. Why was that so awful for you? And if it is, how can you so easily think about having a sexual relationship outside of your marriage, but so wanting your marriage and family and not being sure if he could handle it? I am not judging, I just find your strong reaction puzzling--generally people who are open about sex are rather blase about the legalities of marriage.
We do define things differently, but I see in you a contradiction. As far as I was concerned, I did not enter into any kind of dating relationship until my marriage was over--and that was at BD. He told me he intended to divorce me and that I had 1-2 years of legal separation before the D would be final, so that I could get health insurance. If he could have, he would have divorced me that day, but he gave me the time I needed to get stable.
In my heart and mind, my marriage ended on BD, the paper was just a formality, but it seems for you divorce holds a greater meaning than sex... Just wondering, Lisa
Having not read my story, I guess it's hard for anyone to understand where I'm coming from.
I absolutely adore the ground my H walks on. The man I married is truly an amazing father. He's an amazing man. His friends (can't say his family bc i don't talk to them) ALL think my H loves me more than he loves himself. Deep down I beleive that too. My H is definitely in the midst of a crisis. Is it MLC? Everyone who reads my story thinks so. Do I? He is most definitely experiencing PTSD, and sometimes I think he does struggle with mid-life. Do I think he'll come out of this? Probably not.
Am I willing to divorce him? Never. He would most definitely consider this as an act of pure hatred on my part. He already believes I do not love him. He has already stated that I will divorce him long before he ever considers divorcing me. He has done everything he possible could to make me not love him over the last 16 months. EVERYTHING. The leaving, the refusing to take our children, the OW, the lies, the hiding, the betrayal he asked his family to create, the monster he has become. Was he a monster when he left. No. He stood in my driveway and asked me to hold him.
He definitely has feelings for OW. Whether or not those feeling run deep enough to last is a completely different story.
Will he care if I have sex with someone else, or will he forgive me was really not a direct question from me it was more of a retorical statement. Right now, I could tell him I was having sex with the entire state of California and his reaction to me would be, "I'm sure you are" He has absolutely no respect for me. None. He called me an effing b*tch in front of our D13 at my D10's birthday party. He called me a ow in front of both our children when we ran into him and discovered his affair with OW. Why'd he call me a ow? Because the night before his best friend and I went to a concert together. His best friend is also my friend and has been for my entire relationship with my H. When H couldn't be with me because of work or other responsibilities he sent this friend to be with me, to be there for me and to be my friend. His best friend and I are friends. We are not romantically or sexual interested in each other, as a matter of fact he loves another woman very deeply. Until H called me a ow last month he hadn't spoken to me since June 19th. Not a word. He sat through almost 3 hours of dinner with me and the girls and didn't speak to me. He came to my home on for my D's birthday party and called me names. He didn't even acknowledge that I was kind enough to include him. He didn't even show his own child enough respect to say hello to her mother when he was standing in her home.
Since August 2010 he has seen our children approximately 2 dozen times, I would be considerate to say he spent an entire month with them in the past 16 months.
He ended our relationship when he held me in the driveway that afternoon. He ended his realtionship with his children then too.
Do I want to reconcile. Absolutely. I love the man I know. Do I love the person he is now? No. He is a disgusting excuse for a human being.
I wasn't ever saying I was having sex with another man. I wanted to know how other people dealt with this struggle. The judgement and automatic assumption that I am ready to give up my stand because I have normal human thoughts is not ok with me. I wanted opinions, other stories, and support. Not the sugestion that I am immoral or irresponsible and I should consider divorce.
If it were so easy to have sex outside of my marriage I wouldn't have been asking for the support and guidance I thought I would get here. I would have just had sex.
One thing I dislike so much about the human race is that they are so quick to judge, to blame, and to out anyone who does not support what they believe to be correct thinking. To me, this site means I have a place to discuss openly all that we are facing in this crisis. Our stories are all different, but we all have the same doubts and confusion. I would never suggest anyone divorce because of a thought they had, or a struggle they are facing. I was married before, to a man who almost killed me. I fought for that marriage until there was nothing left to fight for. Only to find out 15 years after it ended there was still more to fight for. He gave me better advice than I've recieved from a single other person throught out this current crisis. He said if this is truly what you want and what you believe in, put your foot in the door and keep it open with everything you have.
So, yes I did ract and take it personal when someone said I should consider divorce. Divorce wasn't even a thought in my head when I opened a topic for discussion.
"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending."