wkramer, thanks for asking my questions.
I figured you have met Anna before. But it really was a very emphatic cheer up for anniversary of the first time you sleep together. Ok, I can get that if sex is a scarce thing in a marriage it can be something one finds a novelty and an exciting one.
If you were getting nothing in return in your marriage earlier in life why did you not break it? Daughters or no daughters, no one stays in a marriage for over 20 years if they are getting nothing. I know several people, with children, that ended their marriages, sometimes when the kids were very small, because things were not working for them. Clean break, not moving out when, finally, there is someone else on the side.
Reading your blog the idea that passes is that your daughters were not the only reason yours and your first wife lives overlapped but that may be just may impression from the reading.
No, it would had not be appropriated to blame your employer. No it would be appropriated to blame Anna. If there was anyone to blame it would had been yourself. The difference between not having dinner with your dad because you were working late and because you did not want to turn up with Anna is that the first was a genuine reason. You were working. The second was an excuse for an action, being with Anna, that you knew was not very correct.
Yes, reasonable people can agree to disagree.
If it is MLC the feelings you feel during it are real in the sense that, to you, they feel real, they feel like the real thing. But if it is MLC, when the crisis is over, you will find yourself asking what happened to you. If it is MLC it not love, I’m talking of real love, that you feel for your wife. It is infatuation, excitement and trepidation, all induced by the chemical “war” that is going on inside your brain.
Do you know that feeling we all have had when we were teens and everything looked so real and we were so certain, just to discover, in our early twenties, that, after all, it was not the real thing? MLC “love” is like that.
Even if it is not MLC, a relationship started with adultery and deceit does not start on a very solid or good ground. All the anxieties and anguish that you wrote about in the blog, for the duration of the affair, are likely to come back again after the initial time together. You and Anna are still together, on the open, for a very short time. All the excitement of those times is still present, even if you do not realise it.
Of course that, like in everything, there are always exceptions.
May I ask what have you done if Anna, or someone else, had not turned up? Had you stayed in your first marriage?
Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. (Marilyn Monroe)