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Author Topic: Discussion did your W/H say they were no longer sexually attracted to you?

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  • “In adversity we know our friends."
RC, boy does that sound familiar. 
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wow...Guess its not just ME....LOL

After I had lost my BD weight...Honey would stare at my ass...said I had my TEENage ass back...LOVED IT!! LoL!

But then shortly after...he said I lost TO much, that I FELT different in his arms...argh!

He has essentially forgotten the MANY times we ML'd and we had a GOOD response...:)

But because he couldn't hold an erection during intercourse the last 2 times, it MUST be because the attraction isn't there anymore...I know he is just LOST in MLC land...but when he said he has NEVER had issues with OW.. >:( >:( which is a lie...since he told me a LONG time ago they did...but then said HOW can I do it 3 or 4 times a night with OW and cant with you??  >:( >:( I tell ya! It does a number on your self esteem! argh!
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Me 45
H deceased 11/09/2015
Married 16 yrs Together 25 yrs
BD 09/10
living with OW 12/10
OW moved out 03/11
H moved home 06/11
Affair ended 05/12 again and again and again
H Blocked xOW from contacting Him 10/12
Ended ALL contact with xOW Dec 26th 2012 (So I thought!) I filed for D June 10th 2013
Moved out.

"Never, ever be afraid to do what's right, especially if the well being of a person is at stake. Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way."

"What if you woke up today with only the things you Thanked God for yesterday?"

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After BD, h said that we wouldn't have sex because he didn't want to send me mixed signals. Well, it's been 10 months and he hasn't made a move. Actually told me on Christmas Day that he couldn't take a shower in frono of me anymore because he felts uncomfortable.

26 years and theres not a part of his body I haven't seen or touched and NOW, he can't take a shower in front of me. CAN ANYONE SAY CONFUSED?
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Finding Hope

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Confused....after honey moved back home, he couldnt take a shower in front of me either...wouldnt take off his clothes to save his life...LOL! It is amazing when you have seen every part of their body for so long and then they cant.

He didnt want to send me mixed signals either...even though we had sex.. :o :o :o Talk about confused!!!
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Me 45
H deceased 11/09/2015
Married 16 yrs Together 25 yrs
BD 09/10
living with OW 12/10
OW moved out 03/11
H moved home 06/11
Affair ended 05/12 again and again and again
H Blocked xOW from contacting Him 10/12
Ended ALL contact with xOW Dec 26th 2012 (So I thought!) I filed for D June 10th 2013
Moved out.

"Never, ever be afraid to do what's right, especially if the well being of a person is at stake. Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way."

"What if you woke up today with only the things you Thanked God for yesterday?"

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At this point (10 months) I'd take anything I could get. It wouldn't be mixed signals, I know how f*@cked up he is. :). Funny thing though before I knew about MLC and that he was probably going through it for awhile. He couldn't, well lets say stand at attention very long and I thought that it was me, now I know it's him. At least I feel better about that. But, let me tell you, if we ever get to the point of having sex again the EMT's are going to have to be on standby!!!!!!!!!!!

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Finding Hope

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Well, my H never said it, but I know that his feelings for me (in a sexual sense) changed after I had my first baby. Before he initiated all the time, wanted sex a couple times a week. After the baby (even after my hormones evened out, I healed and lost the baby weight) he absolutely stopped initiating, he seemed happy enough to have sex when I initiated, but he did not lust after me anymore (we had been together for 10 years before we had the first, so I know it was not just because our relationship was getting older - it was reasonably old already, lol).

After no.2  we were having sex MAYBE once a month, always at my initiation, I tried to talk to him about it with some sensitivity, but he was extremely reluctant to discuss it - would get very agitated, which I now think is because it was touching a nerve - this whole Madonna/ow thing that I have mentioned before - exacerbated by crisis (tbh, it was very unsatisfying for me, and it was hurtful that he did not appear to see me that way, especially as women do feel strange in their own bodies for a while after pregnancy and childbirth, it would have been nice to feel a little validated after creating human life in it, lol!). Even after BD he told me I was an attractive woman, but for whatever reasons the feelings weren't there and he absolutely did not want to address them (probably knew that the prob was really in him).
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HOW can I do it 3 or 4 times a night with OW and cant with you??

ARE YOU KIDDING ME???????!!!!!!!!!!!Good LORD!!!!!!! If exh had ever said this to me I think I would have HAD to have shot him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  >:( >:( >:( >:(

It was hard enough to hear ExH say the sex was incredible which WAS NOT TRUE and he said so himself. He said it because he was mad at me.

But this statement by your H is soooo not true it's not even funny. It's anger and spite.

F*cking Idiots  >:(
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Is it ego or spirit that governs us to question the answers; or answer the questions?

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after honey moved back home, he couldnt take a shower in front of me either...wouldnt take off his clothes to save his life

After I moved back in I couldn't get him to keep his clothes ON!!! He's always been like that but had no modesty about himself WHATSOEVER. This was way before he said he loved me or anything!!!
No sex.  ::) :o
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Is it ego or spirit that governs us to question the answers; or answer the questions?

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. But, let me tell you, if we ever get to the point of having sex again the EMT's are going to have to be on standby!!!!!!!!!!!


I feel the same way; but I'm going to have the fire dept stand by.

We're gonna burn this MoFo house DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Is it ego or spirit that governs us to question the answers; or answer the questions?



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People, I could write a book about this topic - oh wait, I did.  It was my first post.

Nonetheless, this issue has just destroyed my self esteem.  Its the one thing that makes me feel my stand is hopeless.
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