Mine said pretty much the same thing a few years ago. Like it was MY fault he had no friends.
He has always been a big introvert, avoiding people and social gatherings like the plague. Then he wonders why he has no close friends. Ah, maybe you need to be a friend to have friends.
This is key. My husband seems like an extrovert, he sings in a band, coached and ran several youth hockey leagues, a leader in his industry. All those things, however, he needs to be the center of attention. He is very comfortable giving speeches (or singing) in front of hundreds (or even thousands) of people. One on one though, he disappears. When he sings, he shows up, does his thing and then leaves, he doesn't interact unless its a few drunks telling him how he is so awesome.
That's where I always came in (but didn't realize until he left and others made this observation), I like people and I like to socialize. I always backed off when he was the center and let him have the limelight, I actually enjoyed it. When it was time to organize, make phone calls, talk to individuals, thats when I took over.
So when he left, he was expecting people to call again and again (even though he avoided them) and rally around him. I reached out to people, b/c that's what I always did. Even though we were no longer together, we stayed in our roles. I reached out, talked and talked and talked, and he sat in a cave waiting for it to come to him. Now, he's pointing fingers saying he doesn't have any friends, well you need to call back once in a while, A-hole.
I hear the girl is very socially awkward, so he has seemed to disappeared. Maybe he likes it this way, I'm not sure.