Thank you so much Limitless. I am trying so hard honest, but today has been a real struggle and I've been on the verge of tears all day (well tears are flowing down my face as I type
I can't really talk about how I'm feeling to anyone else. I had the classic 'forget him' this week. My Mum is very negative about it, my sister has been great but she has a lot of stuff going on in her life, and I know she's getting a little fed-up with me (as I am myself
) Since my Councelling session on Tuesday I feel emotionally and physically drained + if I mentioned this to him he really wouldn't understand, think I was deluded and living on another planet.
So tonight I'm going to kind to myself and listen to my body. I'm going to watch rubbish TV, eat chocolate (I bought an Easter Egg tonight
) and drink wine. I feel like I want to be on my own right now, so for once I'm going to listen to myself.
Hugs Limitless, I so appreciate you posting.
SK xxxx
BTW the slap helped a little