Hi everyone
Apologies for the delay in replying; yesterday I had the headache from hell and went to bed when I got home from work. It still hurts but not as bad as yesterday.
Wow this is turning into a very interesting post, loads of great stuff is coming out, things that we've wanted to talk about. The good thing is we have the opportunity to talk about it without anyone dismissing it, and really listening to us.
With regards to my Ex's new OW I can't comment because I don't know anything about her (except he's serious about her). In my head she is pretty, slim, younger than me, intelligent, loving and giving. I use to had issues about my looks and my body (especially when I was a Weight Watchers Leader). I use to look in the mirror and saw this fat ugly person looking back. I could never understand what my ex saw in me. In my last job I was always pulled up about my confidence, every review, 1:1 it was bought up. Last year when I was going through hell I work, it was mentioned all the time. Consequently I believe this and acted accordingly. When I eventually left my confidence was on the floor and I took it into my current job. It took me months to get to where I am now. I work with a great bunch of guys, and this job has really helped me to build myself up. I'm not that person I was in the work place that I was then. I have decided to put looking for new job on hold for now and build on my skills etc.
My ex is a very intelligent bloke and the things I found really funny, he didn't.
As I mentioned yesterday, my Counsellor has bought a lot of stuff to the surface. Yes I want to move on, by that I mean move on with me and put all the stuff that's been holding me back behind me. I'm doing it for me. No I don't want to give up my stand, but I want to learn to put him in a box so to speak, and work on me, and I'm doing it for me. I haven't told my Counsellor about standing, he wouldn't understand, he would (probably) think I was deluded and wasting my time, and would encourage me otherwise. So those thoughts I will only share here, a place where I feel completely safe and people really understand.
Reading through the posts, something else has come to mind. When I first starting to see my ex he mentioned that at the beginning of year until about April, he always very felt low (depressed) and looking back things between during that time were not brilliant. I can't remember what prompted this, but last year he mentioned that when he was younger he considered suicide to see what it was like and that everyone considers it in their life. Do they? I don't think so. Even at my lowest, that is something I have never ever considered.
He also had a thing about taking medication and would take medication if he felt really bad. He suffers badly with a a hernia (I can't spell the name of it or pronounce it properly, but it's the one that effects the stomach), and piles. These play up badly when he's stressed (btw he doesn't believe in stress lol). His attitude is you just get on with it, and buries himself in work so that he doesn't have to think. His Mum is very much the same attitude - you just get on with it.
Right best get dressed showered, dress and get to work. Catch up later.
Thanks again everyone, loads of love.