Dear H,
I hope you know that I do not wish for anything like this to happen and that you are with me emotionally, spiritually, and physically. I also accept that this is not going to happen right now. I also want to let you know that GOD has shown me that life does go on and that I can and will create joy in my life as well as the lives of our children.
You ungrateful cheating loser. I hope you get an ingrown toenail, develop halitosis, and come down with ringworm. I also pray that ow gets acne that makes it look like her face caught on fire and someone used an ice pick to put it out. Also I hope she confesses to you that she was once a man and was worried after the operation that no one would accept him as a her.
By the way, I miss you but in the meantime, I am gambling away our retirement in Vegas so I can forget about you while I have a little fun.
Love Jag