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Author Topic: Mirror-Work MLC return stories

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Mirror-Work Re: MLC return stories
#190: August 11, 2011, 04:12:42 PM
Thanks Moving Forward.
I think it is so valuable to have your friends's story on here to enable us to understand the 'other side' of MLC.  We all know too well what the LBS goes through but not so much the MLC'er apart from outward appearances.

Would your friend consider joining this community and sharing her story and knowledge with us?

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Re: MLC return stories
#191: August 11, 2011, 04:26:18 PM
That is a very inspiring story!! Thanks for posting it.
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Re: MLC return stories
#192: August 11, 2011, 11:35:55 PM
Thanks for posting this story,  return story yes but more importantly one of the rare insights we get into MCL from the inside. What jumps out at me though is
 "she and her husband decided to give their marriage another go (after her husband beat up the lover......"
 Not exactly  'letting go' , 'detaching' etc. It has made me wonder what the outcome would have been if her husband had acted differently. I hate violence and am of course not advocating we all start behaving like maniacs but it made me wonder.
Stillpraying, maybe you could ask your friend. Was this incident really important or was it just knowing her H still cared for her?
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Re: MLC return stories
#193: August 12, 2011, 02:56:03 AM
Stillpraying, maybe you could ask your friend. Was this incident really important or was it just knowing her H still cared for her?

Titanic, not my friend but Moving Forward's.  I'm with you though, it would be good to get more insight.
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Re: MLC return stories
#194: August 13, 2011, 04:37:31 AM
Hello all,
I'll try and answer the questions posted.

regrding the OM being beaten up, my friend's husband acted out of pain and sheer hurt - the OM was quite disparaging about my friend when her husband confronted him and her husband just saw be fair it sounded like the fight from Bridget Jones' Diary but the OM was hurt. Shows what a scumbag the OM actually was in my view. My friend's husband has told me what was said but he hasn't told his wife (he wants to protect her feelings!). I have found that I have become a keeper of secrets since my exH's MLC started.

My friend's husband is a loyal and kind man who always put his wife and family first but his attention had been absorbed by a family issue and a problem with his dead father's will  and the negative impact it was going to have on his family. In retrospect this is one of the areas my friend's husband has had to let go....and in the process has learned a lot about himself.

When my friends decided to reconcile I can just remember relief that they had decided to give things another go - this was before I knew about MLC - I worry accasionally that she has been 'yanked' from her crisis and it may return but I have no control over this. Just enough knowledge and huge amounts of love for her to be her friend wherever she finds herself in the years ahead!

My friend's experience has helped me understand my situation better and also the mindset  of someone who is in the throes of an affair - she has never sugar coated our conversations! Neither have I. She has been an angel in disguise she really has. She was very worried that she would lose my friendship because I was now the LBS and my exH was having an affair (he left in October 2009). I know she feels huge guilt and shame about what she did.

The affair was uncovered in March 2009 - within a month they had decided to work on their marraige and did a course of Christian based marriage counselling together. I speak with my friend every week and see her normally once a month. We are told MLC takes time and I can see this reflected in my friend. We're two and a half years since uncovering the affair and she is still has dark times where she is very uncertain about what she wants from her life. The guilt she feels for the pain she has caused in HUGE (which is why she talks to me I think) and I am not comfortable asking her to join us on the Forum as she has never made any proactive attempt to come here despite knowing of the site etc. I think she is still very fragile emotionally - I see the old girl in her eyes more and more when I visit and this Forum has helped me help her and support her through the stages of her crisis.

The simple fact of the matter is that I don't believe she, her husband and their marriage is out of the woods yet - they are both working so very hard to change their behaviours and keep their new learned lessons in their daily life. There are times when we talk that she is saying all of the things she said before she started running away from her life....and I get a cold hard flashback of not just her but my exH's amazing how your heart can just race and you can stop breathing beacuse someone has said words in a tone of voice which takes you right back!

I hope this helps, I'm sure I'll have other things to post as they hit me!



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Re: MLC return stories
#195: August 13, 2011, 09:50:01 AM
I have found RCR's blog very helpful and I still read it although as you will see my H did come home. Apologies for the length of my story.

H& I had been married for 25 years and I had begun to notice that our M wasn't what it had been our physical relationship had disappeared and H was becoming more difficult to talk to and very critical of me. My friends had noticed the last. I was scared to confront him but things were getting bad and so when one day he said that he thought we were having difficulties I was initially pleased that he'd raised it and said yes I agreed and what should we do about it. We talked a bit about spending more time together and then I fell suddenly and unexpectedly ill and ended up in hospital. After I came out we went on holiday for me to recover and H repeated the message but saying that he thought that there was nothing to be done. I made all the usual suggestions about counselling I went, H came once but lied throughout (I discovered later). It was at this point that I discovered MLC boards, learnt more about the mlc & realised that there was probably an OW out there.

I did some snooping & discovered that the OW was someone who I'd thought of as a good friend and that she & H had been having PA for 12 months & an EA for sometime before that. I was devastated & confronted H who had already been talking about leaving. I asked him whether I was correct & he said that I was. I said that I still wanted to work on our m but he said it was too late and he left to a flat found by the OW about four weeks later. I was in pieces, fortunately I have a very understanding employer who was incredibly supportive even paying for some counselling and some wonderful friends who supported me.

H was never mean, in fact he cried a great deal and apologised for being the way he was, which was in it's way very annoying. I could see that he was unhappy, he cut himself off from most of our friends and only saw the OW. I got legal advice and found that my position was poor. I was the main breadwinner and we have no children, H was entitled to half of everything including my pension & savings. I had no wish to divorce and financially I would be the loser so I did nothing. In the first year H did ask for a D I said that I didn't want it but if he did I would get the paperwork. He had no grounds which I did and in a way that was the beginning of the return. He said it was a big step and again I said not one that I wanted but he could let me know when he did, which he never did.

I worked hard at GAL and took up riding which I love and which provided the impetus for his return. After we'd been apart for a year H started to email me & we began to meet up for meals, sometimes out and sometimes at home. I just accepted these for what they were, which wasn't easy. Then I had a serious fall from a horse was in hospital abroad for 10 days and off work when back home for 3 months. H was till my next of kin and he turned up trumps calling me twice a day in hospital and shopping for me when I got back. At first I was too ill to be other than grateful but eventually I asked why he was still coming round when I was better.

There was a long and slow split from the OW which took another 6 months and after that another 6 months before we both thought we could live together again. We've been back together now for 16 months and so far its working. I am much more conscious of our relationship now and raise any issue as it occurs and he is much more open about his feelings. He still doesn't talk about it much, he says he felt it was another person who did those things and that he is grateful that I waited.

I think I became a stander by accident and it was very hard at times and I am conscious that we can not know what the future will bring but for me it was the right choice.

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Re: MLC return stories
#196: August 13, 2011, 10:05:20 AM
Thanks for sharing your story.

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Re: MLC return stories
#197: August 13, 2011, 10:08:01 AM
Thank you for the post.  What a story!

You will, most likely, get lots of questions!  Share what you feel comfortable sharing.

Your story is very encouraging.....and brings hope.

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Found out about affair - 2/11
H asks for divorce - 8/11
H filed for divorce 10/11
Announced "new" girlfriend 12/12 (3rd OW)
Divorce final 06/13 (I decided to finish it)
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Re: MLC return stories
#198: August 13, 2011, 10:33:22 AM
Barathy, it is great that you have taken the trouble to post on here and I hope you will continue to do so.   You may have been a Stander by 'accident'; however, I suspect many of your actions - such as taking up riding - meant you were focused on healing yourself.     If you are able to do it I am sure we will gain much from your wisdom and knowledge, gained through experience, would be a welcome addition.        And hopefully we will also be able to support you as I am sure you realise that being back together is not usually the end of the healing process.   

If you feel able to share more with us then it might be best if you start your own thread.

Glad to have you here.


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Re: MLC return stories
#199: August 13, 2011, 04:09:53 PM

I've been having a rough afternoon, and you have helped cheer me up.  Thanks for sharing your story.
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