HB shares that view, that the final choice is up to the LBS. I don't. Why? Because if the MLCers chooses to return but the LBS has closed the door the last choice was of the LBS. The MLCer runs the risk of no longer fit the LBS life.
But if it is a case of the LBS fitting in whatever need the MLCer may have, then, standing does not make sense. We have no idea what their need may be. We have no idea if they want, or don't want, to discart us. Why on earth stand just to, in the end, been put down? OW/OM may very well fell the MLCer new needs. Or a new mate.
this has me wondering as well Anne.. when i have met my H for our occassional chats, it is obvious he is damaged and it shows. other people might not think so, but i can tell. or maybe that's because it's me, i'm the one from his history, but is he free of that damage in front of the OW? not really, he can't keep sweeping it under the carpet day after day..or do they just rewire with new 'history'...yuck..
It is so confusing..to figure out how 'real' they are, we are told to carry on as if they're not coming back, in which case, what would 'not standing' look like. I have no desire to be in another relationship, i have a great desire for reconciliation.
I want to think reconciliation is about both of us, not him making a decision without any talk with me, and while he is sill with OW ..well no use at the moment...so..they make the final decision?
I sometimes feel he is silently assessing me, internally ticking boxes if i 'get it right' depending on my conversation, or my tone, if i'm happy or irritable or whatever...like he's got a list and i might pass but he keeps it hidden, there's some fun and laughter and then i remember...and it's back to walking on eggshells...you are damed if you do or damed if you don't.. and why destroy the very foundation where there was safety, and loyalty and trust and family ... ...and do they ever really get what damage they do to others...the generational legacy they leave behind if they don't re-turn back and face it.
I miss the man who i could talk with about anything and everything, now the conversations are 'tainted' ..it's like being part of some strange surreal movie..
Thanks for some more ponderings T !a chance for another ramble.. it is a mighty strange ride down the MLC river full of rapids and waterfalls...
EDIT FOR quotes misplaced - Oldpilot
Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
Viktor E. Frankl