Well I always told exh : he'd make a man out of me yet with all the crap I used to do:
take out the garbage, pay the bills , paint, load the outdoor wood furnace, mow the lawn etc etc..
I felt less like a woman and lost a lot of what I would consider feminine quailties. I'm not very big and to do a lot physical labor is diffucult for me but I usually struggle and give it my best shot.
Now I just say "I'm too short to do that" etc...
But now he rarely lets me do those things like mow, take out the garbage, etc....so there has been a change.
I don't want to portray women as a weaker sex; the deal is I think the lines are blurred on so many levels that it makes it hard for women ( AND men) to find the balance.
EXH was ALWAYS involved with the girls from tiny babies and I found that extremely attractive.
But I can understand how things get confused for men when they usually are expected to provide for a family..then kids come along and whatever edge they may have had in that masculine role is sometimes overcome by the emotion of interacting with small childern.
I also left out the other things that mean a lot to me in a relationship is a willingness to EXPRESS emotion by the man.
Most Alpha males are a-holes ( and posers if the truth be known) as far as I'm concerned and I can spot them a mile away.
Is it ego or spirit that governs us to question the answers; or answer the questions?