Character? Goofy...... Lucky for me my MLCer didn't lie much. Woke up one day and in a desperate panic took his guitars and amps to ask a 'friend' if he could leave some stuff there bc his M had become hopeless and he was moving out. That's when he got hit by a "tsunami".
Since then he is mostly quiet. Lingers in the driveway and acts bashful but for the most part he acts like he thinks he's gone forever.
He doesn't think of it as cheating bc he figures he announced he was with "someone else" and "a real friend now"
Since we have 2 Ds together he comes around occasionally to visit them but he is visibly not able to have an R with them. I can see it. Me either, he can't have an R with me. It's superficial. His actions and words are almost robotic and so odd to observe. He tried to offer to help with the roof and the lawn a few times but later renigged. I think the Affair Down OW told him he can not help with chores.
So what we have is a person totally convinced his only option to salvage his future was abandoning his wife and kids and starting a new life.
Not going well...just like RCR said in her articles he now appears more confused and lost. He seems way to HAPPY when he runs into me . His other life includes not being able to find any friends or familly to accept OW. Isolated in a hot, smelly, messy, manipulated existence all the while his wonderful family forges ahead with all the good things in life.....God, school, good friends, work..the arts and culture. I could go on forever.
Point being, I will Stand and hold my Hs spot bc he has shown kindness through the insanity and because I love him.
That's it. My Ds will Thank me for it one day. I enjoyed reading what everyone wrote here. Especially RCR giving me a shout out about Clingy Boomerangs..... I can put 'handling Clingy Boomerangs' on my resume.
Thank you as well Chump Lady. Never been mad at cake eater yet because I don't think he is cake eating. Just gone and polite...........and 'thinky'