Chump Lady, I’ve said it before, affairs are wrong. And, yes, that is black & white.
But nothing else in an affair is black & white. And a MLC affair has nothing do to with a regular affair and is far less black & white.
Most non MLC cheaters I know tried to fix things and did not blame their partner.
Like DGU said, the affair is only one symptom of MLC, not the only one. Would agree with him and say yes, affairs are more common by themselves than MLC. But even the non MLC affairs are, plenty of times, a symptom of something else.
Yes, the devastation brought in by an affair will affect neurotransmitters (like any other severe emotional shock would), alter our brain chemicals and have them imbalanced. Again, in a MLC affair the imbalance will be far greater than in a normal affair because there are many other things attached to it that provoke damages.
It would be understandable that the betrayed person has an affair. I’m not saying it would be right but it would be understandable. And plenty of people have revenge affairs.
Still, in my perspective, in MLC, if the LBS is seeing someone, that does not mean the LBS is having and affair. There is no marriage, the spouse is gone, the LBS is simply moving on with its life. Different from having a straying spouse that has regretted and go and have an affair just for revenge revenge.
Jojo, the affair is terribly hurtful and damaging for all parts involved. Even if one, or several of the parts are not aware of it.
You don’t have to be anything you are not. If your husband and his OW laugh at you and ridicule you they are just being mean.
Don’t be so hard on yourself. In the beginning of this MLC mess e all have done things that were out of character for us. Would say that, in the end, it does not matter that much how we have initially reacted to the affair and MLC. You just ned to forgive yourself, be kind to yourself, take a day at a time.
Living with a person in pre-MLC, and pre-MLC can last a very long time, is very hard. My husband had been in pre-MLC for ages and it was driving me mad, he was causing a lot of tension, he was gloomy, with outbursts of happiness, and was behaving in a very weird manner for months before he left.
When we stay on our own, after they have left, in a way it is a relief. We have space and time for ourselves; we no longer have a depressed unpleasant person around. Enjoy the time on your own the best you can, and I cannot stress it enough, be kind to yourself.
Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. (Marilyn Monroe)