Here's Readys list:
I have researched the archives and there are exceptions to the Golf Club rule in the situation the MCLer does not golf: (There is no order or limit to your responses/actions. Feel free to do one or more of the following)
1. Favorite couch/easy recliner may be burnt to a crisp (be sure to check local ordnance on public burning)
2. Reprogram the remote. Then on a count of three, smack him on the forehead with the remote. It causes great pain and public humiliation. "Say George, why is there a big red welt on your head with the word on/off written backwards?"
3. Take his tool box and bury it in the backyard. Remind him that one of your boundaries is not to help him look for anything that is missing. (Make sure while he tears the house apart, you read a magazine or talk on the phone then entire time.) Another twist on this is to take out the batteries of all flashlights.
4. Baseball bat may be substituted for golf clubs as long as it is a Louisville slugger
5. Favorite guns and rifles may be turned over to the authorities to be burnt/ melted ( When confronted, "Oh, honey you really didn't want me to hang on to that shotgun, did you?"
6. Destruction of all underwear is acceptable, removal of down from jackets in cold weather climates, and smacking him with shoes is acceptable. However, destruction of sports jerseys is not acceptable unless approved through an open vote of this forum. However, permanent stains are allowed.
7. When faced with no other options, one may select one stone weighing no more than a pound and smote thy MLCer in any location that the LBSer feels justified in striking the offender. This is the ready rule and be warned that once you do the ready rule, be ready to do some hard time.
8. These rules may be added to or reduced by forum members at anytime.
Is it ego or spirit that governs us to question the answers; or answer the questions?