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Author Topic: Off-Topic MLC Humor

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Off-Topic Re: MLC Humor
#200: June 28, 2011, 10:08:10 PM
Buggy, I remember that episode in your sitch!! I love how OW tries to be MOTHERLY when he own kids are practically NEGLECTED in order to be with your husband, her MARRIED BOYFRIEND, yet balking cupcakes is the best she can come up with... :o
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Re: MLC Humor
#201: July 19, 2011, 12:22:57 PM
I was looking for a thread to post this in; for everyone who is looking for that "quick fix", I offer you...
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Re: MLC Humor
#202: August 16, 2011, 08:37:53 AM

Bumping this up for all the new members but us oldies as well to cheer us up  8)

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« Last Edit: August 16, 2011, 08:39:02 AM by justasking »
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Re: MLC Humor
#203: August 16, 2011, 09:50:42 AM
I found this on Sunday after you and V had talked about it, I was rolling about laughing and the kids just looked bemused. Think MLC gives us a warped sense of humour. Especially liked the lasagne bit in the Big Apology, I had my own lasagne moment.
T x
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Re: MLC Humor
#204: August 16, 2011, 10:40:32 AM
Here is a short film full of gaslighting, projection, ford road jets, and trading the baby for toys.
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Re: MLC Humor
#205: August 22, 2011, 01:58:35 PM
Ok this is just for fun (I probably have a warped sense of humour) but I think sometimes it is necessary.

1) tempted to call H after he had left and tell him I was pregnant after our one post BD sex session in October. The worst sex of my life, ever btw. But I did chuckle over the PANIC a post-hideous-sex pregnancy scare would have created in his nifty new life... having to tell

2) Throw a big wine and cheese party and open all of H's precious vintage wine collection for my guests.  Then wait for him to come over so that he can witness me dumping the undrunk half bottles down the toilet and saying, "I didn't realise it was that important to you, I thought you wouldn't have anywhere to store it in your itty bitty flat with OW's shoes collection"

3) Set up a fake FB account with a very hot picture of a fake other-OW and message real OW "by accident"  telling her how sorry that H had left her for me, but I knew that she would understand because he can't be expected to "stay with someone just because they supported him" (her exact words to him). Then get out the popcorn.

Your turn...
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Re: MLC Humor
#206: August 22, 2011, 02:07:08 PM
You little devil, your sense of humor is as warped as mine.

I love it, give me some time to process this one; I'm sure I'll come up with something vicious and wild to add.

Love it, we all need to laugh more often, it's medicine for the soul.
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Re: MLC Humor
#207: August 22, 2011, 11:41:35 PM
C'mon - surely Tsunami and I aren't the only depraved, vindictive (but a little funny  ;)) individuals on here?
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Re: MLC Humor
#208: August 22, 2011, 11:57:29 PM
Hmm spraying Dearhearts clothes with my perfume.
leaving my hair draped through his clothes

I wanted to get chilli and rub it on his knickers so he thought he was getting soemthing.
It was even funnier when he got ring worm down there instead

I wanted to get a PI to photograph me and Dearheart under her name and send the photos to her.

Oh the list goes on

sending std pamphletts to him addressed to both LOL
or a notification to him saying a person he has been intimate with has tested for a disease and he needs to be tested.

Oh I could keep going

I was good though.
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Re: MLC Humor
#209: August 23, 2011, 01:47:51 AM
ummm well - these both came from a couple of friends of mine who have known H and I for years and are gobsmacked at the alien lifeform:

Friend to knock on studio door when we know H is not there and OW is - casually ask to speak to H - would then ask to pass on a message to him that the test was positive (pregnancy or STD - who cares? either would do)

Because H is lying to OW about his clinging interaction with me and how often he is here - friend suggested she and a few others jump on him and pin him down next time he shows up.  Give him a 'teenage' lovebite on his neck and send him back on his merry way to OW to explain how he got it ...
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