Ok this is just for fun (I probably have a warped sense of humour) but I think sometimes it is necessary.
1) tempted to call H after he had left and tell him I was pregnant after our one post BD sex session in October. The worst sex of my life, ever btw. But I did chuckle over the PANIC a post-hideous-sex pregnancy scare would have created in his nifty new life... having to tell OW...lol.
2) Throw a big wine and cheese party and open all of H's precious vintage wine collection for my guests. Then wait for him to come over so that he can witness me dumping the undrunk half bottles down the toilet and saying, "I didn't realise it was that important to you, I thought you wouldn't have anywhere to store it in your itty bitty flat with OW's shoes collection"
3) Set up a fake FB account with a very hot picture of a fake other-OW and message real OW "by accident" telling her how sorry that H had left her for me, but I knew that she would understand because he can't be expected to "stay with someone just because they supported him" (her exact words to him). Then get out the popcorn.
Your turn...