I was only with my husband 6 years total. It was both our second marriage. I KNOW we were both very much in love. The 5 years of marriage was truly wonderful. We shared so much in such a short time. Everything was just coming together......so to speak.......and then BHAM! BD! MLC! We had shared our dreams/goals for our future. We had started planning our dream home.....we both had retirements and working second jobs. Our future together was a beautiful picture. Funny how it was gone with the blink of an eye. But........you know what...........I still have a future. I don't exactly know where it's going but do any of us really know? I mean, circumstances happen all the time.....changes our situations.........constantly. So, it's just better to take life one day at a time......continue hoping and dreaming for your future goals. Nothing is impossible........All things are POSSIBLE through God!
I look at the memories as happy, fun, loving, enjoyable times. They were real. Just think........in a few years from now (5, 6 or 10)...........this too will be a memory.