You said you are hearing warning bells. Listen to your instincts. They are far better tuned into the situation then you realize. When your h wants to know stuff, he will find it himself. Chances are, he won't bother. Most don't. They just want it to go away. Pity.
Stayed - it is a pity isn't it? I guess I've just been reading about how if they don't face their demons and return then the MLC will come back. I will trust my instincts though - thanks
He needs to do this himself.
When you tell a child to do something, how often do they do the exact opposite?
And thanks
OP - I love how you shouted just to emphasise
- got it loud and clear as
Stayed has noted lol
Sometimes I just need a reminder that I'm on the right path - leaving my H to his own solutions and not contacting him.
Thank you both for replying so quickly. I really don't think I would be able to cope so well if it weren't for yours and everyone else's help and support on this site. I am so glad I found this sanctuary
I'm gonna give myself a little pat on the back for seeking out your opinion and another one for taking your advice
“None of us can heal in isolation. Healing is best done in community” Anne Wilson Schaef
When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves - Viktor Frankl