I did but he just gives me this lemon look and shuts down. He doesn't want to talk about it...other than saying he has no idea what he wants and it changes everyday. Right now he is totally acting like a 20 year old guy...partying it up. I don't think he can stand to be sober that long.
Mine still changes and my H even recognizes that something is wrong, he even says what his plan is to fix himself and what he needs to do. Then he goes off in a different direction and then because he might feel again goes off on his binge again, with booze, women and drugs. I know mine can't stand to be sober very long and on Wednesday as we were saying goodbye he was sober and willing to talk. Did he absorb everything we talked about together - NO. Will he remember the things he told me he was going to do - NO. H even told me he is so caught up in thoughts of the past that there are times he forgets what he did in the present.
But when I saw the sober man pacing, crying, wanting to get a D, then telling me how much he loves me, seeing him talk himself into leaving over and over, talking about changing himself to be a better man for me, not wanting to be with a woman that would go to jail then going directly to that person. Seeing his panic attack on Tuesday and all that led up to this - yeah I truly knew at that point something was seriously wrong with H. I knew intellectually before and somewhat on an emotional level but I don't think it sunk in until that moment. H would lay his head on my lap then jump up and say 'No' I gotta go then pace for 5 minutes. Then come over give me kisses and comfort then ask more about what to do, then cry. So with all that it finally sunk in just how sick he is and its no wonder he stays drunk it was overwhelming just watching it, let alone to live it I can't imagine being caught up in his mind right now and know why he is so far gone on booze, drugs and sexual acts.