I think that renaming is a good idea. Though I include all pages of the main site on the map. There are not very many pages that are not articles and so I list those after the articles--way down at the bottom.
So you did! Again, this is another instance of presentation that is uniquely your style
Your site map places focuses on the articles, and the relegates the "other pages" as "additional". A traditional site map (if you think of it as an outline) would list things something like:
- Articles (landing)
-- main sections
- Forum
-- coaching option
-- subscriptions
- Blog
- Store
- About
-- privacy, etc
Individual articles would actually be a third-level link (under main sections) and since it's so drilled down, might actually not be included in a traditional sitemap. I hope I'm giving a better idea of what I mean by presentation versus expectations
I'd love feedback. I don't know how much I want to reorganize if at all. But feedback is still important--especially knowing weak areas. It would certainly be helpful.[/font][/size][/color]
To me it is important that the organzation follow the book layout. But who knows, I may be asked or even required to remove a large portion of the content if it's duplicated in the book--keeping a few key articles as teasers and keeping those articles that have been removed from the manuscript. So at that future point I may need more reogrnaization anyway.
Okee-doke! I'll go through your site and put together something.
It might be easier for me to screenshot and annotate my notes and suggestions in a Word document. Would this be something I could email you?
I purchased the CSS template for the main site and it is specific to SBI (Site Build It)--the agreement says it cannot be used off of SBI. But then SBI is the only one (versus the blog and forum) that has NEVER given me a problem--no crashes, overloads or even needs for me personally to update.
I'm actually heading to bed, now, so I can't investigate as much as I want but I had to take a very quick look at SBI. Ahh, now I see why you might have had trouble with the drop-down menus... Still! I'm not so easily deterred.
I'll PM to see if we can figure out a way to get you your dropdown, okay?