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Author Topic: Mirror-Work Mediums, Psyhics, Tarot, I-Ching etc

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Mirror-Work Mediums, Psyhics, Tarot, I-Ching etc
#30: July 31, 2012, 05:57:54 AM
Hello All

I know a similar subject has been on here on the past, but I would like to open a new discussion that would really help me.

As many of you know I struggle with this.  At times it really has got out of hand, other times I can take or it leave, then when I 'can't think for myself' or get 'desperate my thoughts turn to getting answers from the cards or whatever means.  This is something I will be really opening up to my Councellor about tonight.

It scares me that it has become an addition, at times taken over my life - I wouldn't do anything until I had spoken to someone.  Thankfully that need has gone.  Right now I do feel I'm at the tail end of this and ready to let go, trust myself (yep I've told myself that before and then I find myself back to square one). 

Hand on heart, at the moment in time I am happy with my life, although not in a place where I want to be, but I am adapting the attitude of enjoying the moment - no more shutting myself away.  But the scary part is what happens if I find myself wanting a reading?

So what are your views on this?  Why do we do it?  Do we live our lives by what the cards etc., tell us?  Do we make it happen because it has been predicted?  I have just been reading through some of things I've been told via phone reading.  Yes a very few things have happend, but most of it has failed to metalized.  Does it make a difference between 1:1 reading or phone?

Your views will be greatly appreciated, and will really help me.

Thanks all

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« Last Edit: July 31, 2012, 04:26:11 PM by justasking »
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Re: Mediums, Psyhics, Tarot, I-Ching etc
#31: July 31, 2012, 06:20:11 AM
I'll bite. This is probably a sensitive subject though for some. Much like talking about religion or politics. I have never had an addiction, so I can only speak from my viewpoint.

If you find yourself wanting a reading and you know the reason why you want the readings is because you don't trust yourself then perhaps you can take a deep breath, meditate or pray, open up a journal and write the issue that's bothering you, then start writing whatever comes to mind and see what you come up with. As you start to discover more answers within, your own voice, you may begin to trust yourself more. You also have to accept that life is not perfect, so if something doesn't turn out how you want it, it's not the end of the world even though it may feel that way or make you anxious.

From what I understand, the tools you speak of are used to show you probabilities of certain outcomes if you don't change anything about the path you are on. If something change, the outcomes the tools show you are no longer valid. Another use could be to help you "see" information on a subconscious as well as conscious level. That allows you access to more info in your situation that you otherwise might not have without the gentle guidance.

These tools normally dont predict. They help guide you. They show you what's probable. Now this is only my basic understanding and this is something that could go way deeper than this. Perhaps knowing that you aren't getting "predictions" is enough to help you breathe and relax.
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Re: Mediums, Psyhics, Tarot, I-Ching etc
#32: July 31, 2012, 08:41:04 AM
I think ascending's got it.  I was raised in a very shamanic/spiritualist home and I know not all of it is to be discounted, the most important consultant or oracle for any of us is that voice within.  God (whatever your view of Him is) wants you to have peace.  If something brings you strife instead, it is taking you away from yourself and your own journey. 

I think we do these things because we focus on the outcomes and want to be able to take steps based on that.  In reality, our steps manifest the outcome.  That's my take, anyway!  I blame my H for introducing me to Buddhism and living in the "now".  Now if HE would just remember that...;)
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Re: Mediums, Psyhics, Tarot, I-Ching etc
#33: July 31, 2012, 10:40:44 AM
I agree that ascending has got it with regards to developing the ability to trust ourselves -- that is really what matters.  I have used the I-Ching at times; as long as you remember that it is a tool to help develop your own thinking and not an oracle, it is fine.  At times it has helped to calm me:  it always reminds me to discard attachment, desire, and so on, and return to the correct path.  Basically saying what we say here:  detach, watch your own behaviour, and so on. 

Trusting ourselves is important, especially as it can be that what is required in our own situations may not be what is "prescribed" anywhere else, including on this forum.  It's what RCR means when she writes that Standing is about bending with the wind, adjusting to circumstances, and so on.  As much as our situations have in common, they are also unique, and we need to see our own situations and our MLCers crises for what they are, not for someone else's crisis. 

And that can be scary, as can digging deep down to our own truths, separating out what our own core needs are, and seeing ourselves as we are.  Not re-writing our history, either...  not suddenly seeing just all the bad because our MLCer does, nor having our rose-coloured glasses on..

Oh, it's such a tightrope.  I do think that there are tools out there to help us meditate and remain centred; I also think that we need to know their limitations.

Oh, and my 2 cents' worth is that at least the I-ching doesn't charge a lot of money....

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Re: Mediums, Psyhics, Tarot, I-Ching etc
#34: July 31, 2012, 02:52:14 PM
Thank you so much for responding :)

I talked about this in-depth tonight with my Councellor, and she has said exactly the same as you guys - the voice inside.  For me it's about learning to listen to what it's telling me and trust it, rather than be disrespectful to myself/my voice and give the control over to someone else.   Searching for answers from other people, rather than trust myself, feeling that I am deluding myself, when the answers really are inside. 

The next part of my journey is to really to trust and listen to my voice.  Practice inner breathing, meditation, pray.  Learn to live in the here and now, rather than wanting to know and worry what the future will bring, therefore missing out on what's going on now.  More than anything I want to let go and I am determind to do the work to achieve this.  It's time to take the plaster off and expose the wound in order to heal properly.

Over the last 4 years I have spent loads of money on this, getting myself into debt and for what.   A quick fix that makes me feel good for a short while, but then I'm back down again, and the process starts all over again. 

Thank you once again


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Re: Mediums, Psyhics, Tarot, I-Ching etc
#35: August 18, 2012, 06:38:17 PM
I have used a pyschic and an astrologer with excellent ressults. They have helped me IMMENSELY to trust my inner voice. In fact, they have helped me more than my secular IC.

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Re: Mediums, Psyhics, Tarot, I-Ching etc
#36: August 18, 2012, 07:42:38 PM
  You all have so much calm and wisdom. It's nice to be here. I like to look at the horoscopes. I know I know some people think that it'll say "you will eat Chinese food and be hungry later.." ::)
  But my H is a Capricorn and since BD his horoscope has kept me calm. Especially when they talk about romance, love and finances. Right after BD I wasn't reading anything. Then I found this site and just read the articles and threads. But when I went back and checked his horoscopes for the mos 6 til now 18 mos post BD It's amazing how accurate they are. For him anyway.
  The last 6 weeks his horoscope says that it's time to stop pretending. It's time for authenticity. It's Saturn square to Venus or whatever means you are unhappy in the R you are in and need to find a voice. It says capricorns are stubborn and always want the best! They are deep thinkers ::) ::) (put statue of Thinker here)
and once they marry they are loyal. Distractions wear off and the last year or so has not given him the long term gains he had expected.
   Whenever there is a full moon or new moon lots of cycling and weird energy. Usually good from over here point of view.
  Never did the Tarot or other stuff, scared. Don't even know what those weegee boards are for. LOL!
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Re: Mediums, Psyhics, Tarot, I-Ching etc
#37: August 19, 2012, 12:21:00 AM
My H is a Cappy, too, MB!  And I have to agree, the moon cycles and major transits have shown to have an effect.  I tracked back and the only D talks we've had over the last year have been during Mercury Retrogrades (when you're not supposed to make major decisions -  ;D ;D ;D  Would explain why I still sit here married with all of his stuff in the garage and his mail coming here). 
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Re: Mediums, Psyhics, Tarot, I-Ching etc
#38: August 19, 2012, 01:01:16 AM
Hi MB, mine too.

The last 6 weeks his horoscope says that it's time to stop pretending. It's time for authenticity. It's Saturn square to Venus or whatever means you are unhappy in the R you are in and need to find a voice. It says capricorns are stubborn and always want the best! They are deep thinkers ::) ::) (put statue of Thinker here)
and once they marry they are loyal. Distractions wear off and the last year or so has not given him the long term gains he had expected.
   Whenever there is a full moon or new moon lots of cycling and weird energy. Usually good from over here point of view.

Bingo! These past 6 weeks no doubt have triggered the thinker.

And I have to agree, the moon cycles and major transits have shown to have an effect.  I tracked back and the only D talks we've had over the last year have been during Mercury Retrogrades (when you're not supposed to make major decisions -  ;D ;D ;D  Would explain why I still sit here married with all of his stuff in the garage and his mail coming here). 

OMG, Ready2 same same same. That explaines a lot of the antics. Maybe we should start calling them Cap MRG's instead of MLC'ers. ;D ;D ;D Guess your dad was right when he told you that this stuff in the garage would still be there untill next winter. :D

BTW I'm a Cap myself..... OH!OH! 8) 8) 8)
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Re: Mediums, Psyhics, Tarot, I-Ching etc
#39: August 19, 2012, 01:29:19 AM
Oh Wow!  That's interesting.  My H is a Capricorn too - and there have been many antics these past few weeks!
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