Hi there!
I was just thinking about the idea of detaching during MLC versus letting go during a "normal" separation/divorce. I get it that our spouses are OVER us and in-love (or infatuated) with another...so their visits don't bring up these emotions in them...but they bring up emotions in us.
In the media we see so many celebraties dating soon after their separation/divorce. In real life most of us know at least one couple that has separated/divorced after attempting to make things better. Well, in these cases I believe that the letting go and moving from being in-love to simply loving the father or your children, or person (for those without children), occurs pretty soon....I guess there is a straighter, more direct path to the end of a marriage/relationship.
When it comes to MLC, as we all are here for this reason, it is harder I find. I have become quite good at this detachment. My heart no longer jumps/skips a beat when he arrives and I am no longer devastated when he leaves. However, what I am having a hard time doing is letting go of the love I feel for him. I guess if I let go of the love than my stand turns into not standing....but how could I ever stop loving him? How can we ever completely detach when we still love these people? Can anyone explain this? I am detaching...but I am stopping to love. If I don't stop loving him...how do I ever detach completely (especially when he comes by every 7 to 10 days)?