Seeing the dynamic from the other side, it does take two to tango. At first, I raged against om. After all, I did not know him and it is easy to despise what you do not know. But, it was my w that asked him for his love. Now, a strong married man would have told her that while he was flattered, he would have to turn her down. He is not a strong man.
I am like HB in that I have never strayed, thought about straying, or pursued anyone other than my wife. If the roles were reversed and I was having an affair, my parents would have hit the roof. My oldest brother would fly out and work me over. It is not just in our blood.
The one thing that I see my w has done in the writings to the om is she has set herself up as the damsel that needs to be rescued. Om is her knight in shining armor. That is something that I have seen over and over throughout the threads that the om comes across as needing to be saved or protected. The om becomes something special.
Now neither of these two have ever met. They are separated by an ocean, but the emotional connection is so strong that my w told the MC that the thought of giving him up would kill her. About made me puke.
Talking about senseless. Not only has she pushed me out, she has pushed her oldest daughter out as well. So, having a ow living in my house, they are borderline. (((Hugs))) and more (((Hugs)))