I am honestly relieved to be in the middle, now more than one year post BD.
I remember the raw agonizing pain of the beginning (insomnia, weight loss, panic...)
Then the tears of the months that followed (this can't be true....)and the emotions I felt when I saw him.
Then gradually crawling to my feet.....by 8 months post bomb drop my life was starting to structure itself (new job, new life)
Now when I see him I recognize that the problem is with him...he is bitter and angry, and I am happy with my job and my new life.
There are longer periods of silence....and I am okay with that. Honestly I feel like he has made a shambles of his life.
I feel blessed in many ways, wonderful job, great friends, although his leaving has ruined me financially.
Still there are moments of intense loneliness, mostly in the middle of the night.