DGU, there are two titles and two similar articles from the same author. I’ve posted parts of both on your thread and one here. The essence of both articles is the same, the chemical imbalance and the problems in the neurotransmitter cause depression.
One of the articles can be read here: (the one in your thread) and the one in this thread here:
They have different beginning and are address in slightly different ways. The first one is aimed at families of people with borderline personality disorder and called “Stop Being Tortured by Your Own Thoughts
http://bpdfamily.com/bpdresources/nk_a112.htm, the second one is, from what I get, an academic paper “The “Chemical Imbalance” in Mental Health Problems
http://www.drjoecarver.com/clients/49355/File/Chemical%20Imbalance.html (the oen posted on this thread. The first one is focused in a more specific type of mental problem, the second one deals with chemical imbalances overall. The beginning is different but most of the main points addressed are the same.
Of course an emotional hurt can harm the brain and its chemicals. It is a hurt, it triggers neurological responses that can imbalance the normal levels of brain chemical. The same is true for a euphoric reaction, a rush of adrenaline and many other things. The contrary is also true, chemical imbalance can affect emotional response and perception.
The fact that an emotional hurt/pain is real is the reason why I have many times said here on the board, in different threads, that hurt must not be minimized (usually when saying that I’m referring to the pain of the LBS) because it is real, it is felt by the brain. It is not an imaginary thing that we can ignore and overcome from night to day. It takes time, we need to adjust.
However, emotional hurt/pain alone do not cause the crisis. Otherwise all LBS would have had a MLC post BD. And that did not happened. And, of course, our spouses had felt emotional hurt before. We do not have any way of knowing what caused it for our spouses. If it was emotional hurt that caused the chemical brain imbalance or if their brains were chemical imbalanced and that caused emotional distress.
Kikki, in the end of the second article (the one on this thread) reads “This article is presented as a public service by Joseph M. Carver, Ph.D., a Clinical Psychologist. Revised: January 2002”. I thing this type of research has been around for a while but I think it used to be more addressed at neurologists.
We tend to see depression had a psychiatric problem, nor a neurological one. And those two areas of medicine, traditionally, were not the best friends on earth. But more and more psychiatrists are learning and taking from neurology. Not enough, if you ask me.
DGU, Not all depressions are treatable in the sense of solvable. Chronic depression has no cure. One can only mitigate it. But, yes, I think that if there was a way of taking our MLCers to a good neurologist or psychiatrist, ones that would be up to do all those needed tests, the crisis could be, if not totally treated, at least mitigated or alleviated. Of course our MLCers would have to take the medication and many psychiatric patients, suffering from all sorts of psychiatric conditions do not. For instance, many Schizophrenics tend to avoid medication because they say “it calms them down” and leaves them slow. Normally what happens is that the medication levels them but they found being balanced/normal wrong and try to skip the medicines. Needless to say without the medicines they end up a total mess.
MLC can be one other type of depression. There are many types, why not having MLC has a new/other type? It obviously is not classical clinical depression. Perhaps, in a way, it is the mother of all clinical depressions?...
This Kikki I would say is very much it : “a jigsaw puzzle of biological factors (neurotransmitters, hormones), developmental factors, spiritual factors, personality style (avoidant), and therefore lack of coping mechanisms during stressful times of your life when responsibilities are many and your body is wearing down and feeling tired.”
Also, I think we can see MLC in, at leas, two ways:
1) what Kikki said, that is, biological, emotional and other factors
2) an emotional issue that need to be overcome
I still think the chemical/hormonal factors do not invalidate the Shadow. We are dealing with the Shadow, with all the garbage and the darkest of the dark side. The light was cut off, only the darkness exist. Or put another way, the brain fluids are all too short or too high, there is nothing but a blur and despair.
Reintegration and Rebirth are also not compromised by the chemical/hormonal factors. Anyone who has been depressed needs reintegration and will have a Rebirth.
And, the soul, of course, is totally broken. The soul is not the brain in itself, it is a more metaphysical thing. At least in my view.
So, will we be able to treat MLC? I doubt. When they BD us they are already too far out of their heads and they need to run until they totally burn out. Of course we can try and use a rifle with a tranquiliser dart, shoot them with it, tie them to a bed and have them tested, scanned, probed and force feed medicines.
Not sure if we manage to do that…