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Author Topic: Discussion RCR on Unfaithful series on OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) & Huffington Post panel

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Hey everyone!
Today Huffington Post will be hosting a live panel discussion to answer the question Can An Affair Make A Marriage Stronger? They put this question out via an article a couple weeks ago and I posted a comment.  Here’s the original
article. Yesterday they contacted me to participate on the panel through webcam.
The discussion starts at 6:35pm Pacific Standard Time tonight (Thursday 23 January, 2013).
I am posting this at the forum, the blog and sending a notice through the blog newsletter as well. The newsletter sends in batches of 250, and so I am hoping this reaches you in time. If it does not, I am so sorry! But they record the sessions and you can still watch it.
To view the segment in the recorded archives go to:
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« Last Edit: October 31, 2014, 03:48:23 PM by Anjae »

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  RCR,  Oh how exciting! Congrats to you!  I AM very very happy to have found you and your forum here. Good Luck!  and THANK YOU SO MUCH!  I will be watching.    MB ;)
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Congrats RR, I sincerely hope this gets the word out there that a marriage doesn't HAVE to end.  This current madness we're living in in society in regard to marriage and divorce is just so very , very destructive.
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"If every rub irritates you, how will you be polished?"  Rumi
The person least invested in a relationship has all the power.  
To someone in arrested development accountability appears as authority.  To someone emotionally healthy, accountability appears as security.  Dr. Paul Hegstrom.
Bomb Drops: July 2009,  Departure Sept 2009, Jan 2010 says he's not returning...
Reconciliation with a Boomerang starts March 2013, and is ongoing. Married in 1983 with 4 year absence/separation.

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That's great!  I will be watching as well!
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BD 12/2010
Divorced 2/2012
Married 1997
Together since 1989

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I don't think I'm nervous...YET! But I've up to now been visually anonymous--other than my facebook photo and a few pictures on the My Story section of the site. And that facebook photo, well it was a year after Bomb Drop during my skinny period. I am going to show my real face!
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Super cool, RCR! :)  You should get used to being more public!  You're a leader in advocacy for LBS recovery, and no doubt this is just the beginning of your path to helping even more people.  Congratulations on the opportunity!
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That's great, RCR. Break a leg.  ;) :)

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Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. (Marilyn Monroe)

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RCR...that was awesome. I only caught the tail end but it looks like there is a link
to watch it from the beginning if need be.
I am so grateful to you and everyone here for the support, advice and friendship we all share! Glad I found you....
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Just watched it you were great!

I think you can just click on the above link and it repeats itself, I have watched it twice now.

Wish they could fix out twitter address  to @HerosSpouse  :) :) :)
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That was great RCR - you did really well. 
A great spokesperson for the 'cause'.  Lets hope this starts to shift the pendulum back in the other direction. 
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