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Author Topic: Discussion RCR on Unfaithful series on OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) & Huffington Post panel

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Just watched it you were great!

I think you can just click on the above link and it repeats itself, I have watched it twice now.

Wish they could fix out twitter address  to @HerosSpouse  :) :) :)

I have not listened--I will do that tomorrow or later. My mom is visiting this week.
But I did just go and read the comments--snarky and superficial. But when I saw my face  and name below it, the twitter address was correct. I actually contacted HuffPo earlier to find out how to fix the twitter follow address.  Our twitter address seems to be correct for commenting, but the follow button goes to the old name. I have not heard back about how to correct it in the profile yet.
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You were awesom, RCR!!  I just wish my XW had watched (maybe she did...).  You made a great counterpoint to the "kick them to the curb" mindset and came across as very assured, confident and strong!!  And, btw, from a man's perspective:  RCR now >>> RCR then.   :)
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One day at a time.


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Just watched it you were great!

I think you can just click on the above link and it repeats itself, I have watched it twice now.

Wish they could fix out twitter address  to @HerosSpouse  :) :) :)

I have not listened--I will do that tomorrow or later. My mom is visiting this week.
But I did just go and read the comments--snarky and superficial. But when I saw my face  and name below it, the twitter address was correct. I actually contacted HuffPo earlier to find out how to fix the twitter follow address.  Our twitter address seems to be correct for commenting, but the follow button goes to the old name. I have not heard back about how to correct it in the profile yet.
I left a message that corrects the spelling.
So for the moment it is at the top of the page.  :) :) :)
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Great job RCR.  Good to see you bringing light to the shadows.  All three of you (the panelists) were pretty intriguing.  I hope my W drifts across this.  Wouldn't surprise me if she finds this site eventually and, if its not too distant into the future, she'll monster at me for refusing to sign up. 

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I just listened to it and sent an email about the twitter handle. I hope it's something that can be corrected.
So things to learn...stop looking down when the view is on me--plus I seemed to move my head a lot. I kept looking at Amber and Tammy as I was speaking because they were sometimes nodding.
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  This world needs more RCR and less Kardashians PLEASE! ;)
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Awesome job on the discussion.  I hope this is the first of many media on-line interviews so this topic can gain some traction.  I believe the more that is known about MLC and infidelity, the more people will be able to make informed decisions based on information, not perception.  Thanks again for all of you efforts.  Continued success!

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If you are feeling down, know that God Has always had a wonderful plans for you.  Unfortunately, there are things that happen and forces that work to try and keep us from reaching what He has for us.  The good news is that there is healing at work.  God is always working in and through your life to try to get you to where He wants you.

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Well done RCR - that was GREAT  8)
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“None of us can heal in isolation. Healing is best done in community” Anne Wilson Schaef

When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves - Viktor Frankl

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RCR on Unfaithful series on OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network)
#18: February 02, 2013, 07:21:41 PM
Sorry, this is a tad late for some--like East and maybe Central Time Zone.
The season premier of Unfaithful, a series on OWN about infidelity premiers tonight. The show interviews couples who have experienced infidelity. Most recovered, but there are a few that divorced.
It is on OWN at 9:00pm on Saturdays--8:00 pm central time zone.
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« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 08:18:50 AM by Rollercoasterider »

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Too late for me, in more ways than one.  But thanks RCR.  I might check it out on OnDemand or something as it may be helpful for me at work.
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One day at a time.



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