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Author Topic: Discussion RCR on Unfaithful series on OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) & Huffington Post panel

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I PVRed it for Wed at 1am.
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I don't want to break any rules...and I was told something different last Summer than I was told last week when I got a call about next week's episode. So I will just paste a quote from the website and a link to the schedule where I got the quote.
Airing Saturday
(Feb  9)
Unfaithful: Stories of Betrayal (Season 2B)
Anton & Larie/ Chuck & Kenda-Ruth
After his marriage to Larie becomes too much to handle,  Anton dives into an affair with a married mutual friend. Chuck leaves his  heavy-set wife for a gorgeous mistress, but his new double-life makes him  realize he may have made a mistake.
Heavy-set!! :o  That is how TV stretches the story for ratings. And gorgeous mistress ??? with smoker's skin and a nose the size of Texas. Skinny, sure--like flat boobs skinny. ;D
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Heavy-set!! :o  That is how TV stretches the story for ratings. And gorgeous mistress ??? with smoker's skin and a nose the size of Texas. Skinny, sure--like flat boobs skinny. ;D
You are heavy set?
Did you lose 1000 lbs since this happened?

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« Last Edit: February 04, 2013, 08:39:56 PM by OldPilot »

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You are heavy set?
 Did you lose 1000 lbs since this happened?
Good answer. I bet you also know the answer to do I look fat in this? ;)
I saw my face on a TV ad last night. Oh how weird that is.
And it doesn't look like me. Most of each episode is green screen interviews. Well, with frizzy hair, that doesn't work. Every stray hair will catch the green behind it. So they have to slick it. I spent 2-3 hours in the make-up chair before going before the camera and another hour in front of the camera as they readjusted before they could shoot. It took 5 washes with shampoo--I counted--to remove the hairspray.
Chuck--hey they are naming him and so he just asked for me to call him by his name here--he said he spent maybe 5 minutes in the make up chair.
The interviews were separate, so we did not get to see what the other was saying and he is so worried now. He is pretty body conscious and me being overweight was an issue for him--but he also has a skewed body image, so I needed to lose some weight--and I do again--but not to the point that I would ever have been described as heavy-set. But these shows need some sort of in to make the story and one of those for us was that I used to be a petite model, then gained weight and he found someone who was skinny. It made good story. Personally I think the fatal attraction alienator, multiple in-outs and reconciliation and future adoption make the greater story.
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« Last Edit: February 05, 2013, 08:37:50 AM by Rollercoasterider »

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Let us European's know ASAP the video link for youtube's ' OWN' network OK for the programme and  and I hope your happy with the final showing and your hair meets with your approval!!

B x
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Thanks for the heads-up, RCR!  I am definitely going to set my DVR!
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Okay, our clip is out and so I have changed the title of this thread.
Here is the 30 second preview:
I don't look like me, but I think the actress portraying me is a clone--how'd they find her? The way her face squishes up when she frowns is like me--something I've always hated because of the dimpling it does to my chin.

And wow that clip is salacious, I can see why Chuck has been so nervous--talking about it being magical and that it was all that he expected. But that is something I think is important for you to know. That clip--and the entire show condense 3.5 years. So I haven't seen the entire episode and they may have cut and pieced things so they seem to be in a different order, I don't know. But I am guessing his comment about it being magical and everything he had expected are about the beginning. When an MLCer finally gets their fantasy it is a huge high and they are thrilled--they will certainly seem happy to us and them because they have not yet crashed.

The clip is called Mistress at the Front Door--boy I hate that term mistress. That episode happened almost 2 years after Bomb Drop when he came home for #6 and the piece where I said this was the worst betrayal was probably referring to the next year when I discovered the affair was ongoing and kicked him out again.
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I was finally able to watch this clip.
When was this filmed?

I thought the actress was you......

Your hair was quite different from the appearance on Huff Post.

Well I have found someone to DVR this since you can not watch it on the internet.

Looking forward to watching it!
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Filming was in early July.
And I thought that actress was me at first too--except that I knew I hadn't been filmed in bed or standing at the door looking out. But when I saw her standing at the door in the commercials that were running I was confused--maybe I forgot they'd filmed me staring out a door--that wasn't even ours! ???
They don't go out of the way to make-up the actors to look like us--just similar features. But she is a clone. WOW, I've got a twin. Eerie.
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I love the fact that Chuck said how he was truly feeling.  I know that my H would say the exact same thing if asked!  I'm no longer afraid to hear it - which is a relief!

Looking forward to seeing the episode!!!  I set my DVR!

You guys are a CUTE couple!!
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