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How has MLC changed your spouse's job?

It's still stable - only our marriage and family have been affected by MLC.
11 (21.2%)
It's stable, but probably because we run it together/they have a partner and I'm/they're picking up the slack.
3 (5.8%)
They have changed careers during MLC, but still continue to be successful.
11 (21.2%)
They are on shaky ground at the job they had prior to MLC.
5 (9.6%)
They have changed jobs or career paths at least once during MLC, and things are unstable.
16 (30.8%)
They aren't working at all.
6 (11.5%)

Total Members Voted: 52

Author Topic: Discussion How has MLC changed your spouse's job?

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Discussion How has MLC changed your spouse's job?
OP: February 08, 2013, 04:38:05 PM
We've seen various statistics about how successful our MLCers can be at their jobs during crisis, but let's see how it actually ranks for all of us.
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« Last Edit: February 08, 2013, 04:41:48 PM by Ready2Transform »

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Re: How has MLC changed your spouse's job?
#1: February 08, 2013, 04:56:14 PM
  Well I voted for lol "unstable and changed jobs at least once" but it didn't register. It's like Diebold machines in presidential elections :o
  H is always late for work and always too self occupied to notice what he's doing. His bosses finally get fed up and stop calling him.
  He claims to not know why. ::) Then he wants to sue them for badmouthing him to future employers. ::)  Small claims court of course ::)   He was never like this before his lead in to MLC and replay.
  He can go 3 weeks without working and then work 5 days in a row overnights. Not sure how he pays his bills. :P
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« Last Edit: February 08, 2013, 04:57:41 PM by Mamma Bear »

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Re: How has MLC changed your spouse's job?
#2: February 08, 2013, 05:04:30 PM
I voted for "They have changed careers during MLC, but still continue to be successful."  Overall we may have more unstable and not capable of holding jobs ones.

It is just that some MLCers manage to change jobs and remaisn successful. But those may, especially in the mid and long run, be the minority.
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Re: How has MLC changed your spouse's job?
#3: February 08, 2013, 05:53:44 PM
I voted still stable but I really do not know.  H still has the same job and I believe he is able to compatmentalize and get through his day.  The nights and weekends are different.
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Re: How has MLC changed your spouse's job?
#4: February 08, 2013, 06:03:03 PM
Their job is one of the "four enemies" of the MLCer as identified by Jim Conway.....job, spouse, God and body.  Not all MLCers have issues with all four "enemies", but some do.
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Re: How has MLC changed your spouse's job?
#5: February 08, 2013, 06:19:46 PM
H tells me he hates his job, but he owns the business. He can run it and his schedule any way he chooses, but seems to feel it runs him.
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Re: How has MLC changed your spouse's job?
#6: February 08, 2013, 06:29:49 PM
From word of mouth he lost his job because he was getting to weird. He was losing longtime customers because he was always arguing. He got another job doing what he likes to do but I'm unsure if he still has that job. I never see him driving to work anymore.
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Re: How has MLC changed your spouse's job?
#7: February 08, 2013, 06:32:43 PM
Thanks for the reminder, DGU. What do you think the non religious ones have in the place of God?
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Re: How has MLC changed your spouse's job?
#8: February 08, 2013, 07:34:57 PM
I voted for stable because I am running the show. 
I am in no doubt that it would be limping along financially without me - plus he would have spent all the profits on himself and impressing the OW if I hadn't managed to reign him in. 

Needless to say he has thought getting rid of me out of the Company was the way around that.  Luckily this has proved more difficult than either of them anticipated, and he seems to be seeing a small glimmer of light at 3years post BD. 
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