This is good.
I need a new list; when this started I set off right away to GAL, without having heard that term used anywhere -- I even called it that.... so I've ditched a pile of things that I had taken on as duties rather than because I really wanted to do them and put that energy into getting a qualification in an area that I love, I'm actually working in that area now and it IS GOING, I've learned to deal with my own computer, cable, etc., my finances are straight and I may even be in a position to save a few pennies for the first time in years, I'm happy with my weight, I go out on my own, continuing to deal with kids' stuff, and so on and so on....
So I need a new list; a project rather than a commitment, I think.... more house stuff? That feels a bit like admin rather than 'for me', much as I love doing things like that.
Wonder what it might be?