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Author Topic: Interacting with Your MLCer LBS's parents

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Interacting with Your MLCer Re: LBS's parents
#20: April 10, 2013, 12:51:00 PM
My mum and dad got on well with my ex.  My dad died seventeen years ago (eighteen months after we got together) so he obviously doesn't know what happened.  I know he would have been really angry though.

My mum was extremely fond of my ex and we saw her most days after her stroke, as we work across the road from her house.  He then didn't see her from the day he told me about OW, till the day he took me to the hospital nearly two and a half years later after she had had a fall and broken her hip.  Mum was very angry at the beginning but when I told her about MLC she seemed to understand and hoped he would come to see her.  However, it was only the fact that he ended up giving me a lift to the hospital from work (I don't drive) that meant he got to see her.  He has since said that he is very glad that he saw her before she died.

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