anjae--You have to extrapolate. What it says is that as we age we are more susceptible to genetic expression, so at the end it does say that at midlife they noticed a greater unhappiness than before--remember this was a longitudinal study.
Further, the people with two short alleles are more susceptible to unhappiness in a poor emotional climate--perhaps caused by the stress of life at midlife--where they may not have faced that before. How many times do we say on here that MLC is OFTEN precipitated by a traumatic event or crisis, or just the adjustment to life--"is this all there is?"
What I would hypothesize is that an R with two dominants or two recessives, all would be hunky dory, but in an R where you have a dominant and a recessive, you might be more likely to have MLC. The dominant is less susceptible to the disharmony--we just kept on keeping on. How many of us admit that things were tough, and maybe we had problems, but they were NORMAL problems? But our recessive MLCers caved...
Think about it, I think it's interesting. Even that there are genes that possibly predict emotional response... I predict a day when has genetic profiles... Love and light, ll
The best thing about banging your head against the wall for so long is that it feels so good when you finally stop...
BD 1/16/10
D Final 7/21/11
exH married OW the next week and moved across the country to be with her...
LL CHOSE to live happily ever after...