Okay I am not sure if this counts but it is a place where we can have virtual meet-ups so I created aund thread for something that I was thinking about. I know there are different time zones around the world so if others want to plan a virtual meetup to meet their time-zone. I found out that Skype will allow you to create a group with up to 25 other skype names you can call for free at any time. The only rule is that you will have to go skype to skype for it to be free.
Sunday Skype Fellowship: Starting June 3rd at 1:00pm Pacific time - feel free to suggest topics for devotionals, send praise reports, volunteer for prayers and sharing your testimony.
Thursday meet and greets: Starting Thursday May 9th at 7:00pm pacific we can do 6:00 pacific if that helps anyone. This is to just meet everyone, discuss our goals, laugh, share a glass of wine and generally find life outside of MLC. This is not to discuss MLC, spouse bash, be angry about them or any of that. This is more for a socialization activity and getting to know others.