My STBX is 62, he'll be 63 in four months. BD was 3 months after his 60th birthday and he left immediately to live with OW (who's now 56).
Seven years before he began his relationship with OW he was fired from his job as president of the company he'd founded 11 years before and which he'd sold two years before. Three years after that his 83 year old mother (with whom he had a very strained relationship) died, as did a beloved friend of ours (of leukemia) 3 months later. Our friend was only 56.
Three years after that he had to have a stent put in his heart to correct a 99% coronary artery blockage. 18 months after that he had a "spiritual awakening" which had a profound impact on him and caused a major "shift" in his feelings and thinking. Three months after that he met OW and their affair began.
So I think the triggers for his MLC began when he was 52 (when he was fired) and BD itself happened when he was 60.
Our 40th wedding anniversary was this week.
M 40 yrs.
BD 1/11
Began living with OW 1/11
Divorce final 8/13
Ex married OW 6/15
God, grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change; the courage to change the one I can; and the wisdom to know it's me.