Agree 1Cor.13. It would have to be God intervening in both of our lives for a r to be successful. One to bring my H back and one for me to open my heart to him again. But then, He is the Great Physician and the Healer of Broken Hearts. He can do anything. I trust God and I trust the process. Who knows.....
Back at ya Slowfade, what else do we really have, but the Great Healer Himself? My prayers are for healing for all of His time (the hard part, gulp)..
Stay strong, Be Blessed
Thank God for God
When I am feeling down, when I read others stories (and my own), and all hope seems LOST, I remember... but God! No matter what, if H ever comes back or not, God is still God, and I am already his child. He's GOT THIS. This is nothing to him. Not even a blip on the radar screen. It is HUGE for us, because we are so temporally focused. This is where our faith comes in, and even when I have NOTHING else, I have that! That being said, it is because of God that I pray for my H EVERY DAY. Many times a day. Even through the night, as I wake for a moment or two, I immediately pray for him, and for our family. I pray that he be surrendered to the Lord, and also that his heart would be turned back towards home, to us, his family.
I know you all feel the same... and I pray for you as well - this is not fair for anybody to have to go through, but for some reason, we are all experiencing it.
Have a great night everyone