it's like I never existed and the 24 years we were together never happened.
Braveheart, I recognise that and it's a horrible feeling

Thanks for sharing your story.
I'm just over a year past BD and I have been working hard on GAL. I feel that I've let go of a lot of anger - really most of it has gone - although I do find myself having conversations (sometimes out loud) with him here (when he's not). Although my H is making some moves to reconnect (and I'm well aware it may only be a touch n go) it does not automatically follow that remaining married to my H will be the right decision to me. I am prepared to divorce him if this isn't right for me and that's something I've learned from Standing (whether RCR intended me to learn that or not) - to be prepared for the timeline, and not get hoovered, and in amongst that cautious approach listen to my intuition.
My approach has always been to read all the information available and then make decisions based upon that knowledge, but also upon my specific situation. There is no blueprint or magic bullet. That is why I believe that GAL is so important - that builds self-esteem and self-worth - when you have those you have the confidence to make decisions that are right for you.
We may have pulled together all these behaviours and characteristics under the umbrella of MLC but it's still a very individual experience. My understanding of this site is that we share experience and information in order that the LBS can make informed choices and decisions that will improve their life - protect themselves emotionally and financially, and ultimately live a fulfilling life. That's how I see it anyway...

“None of us can heal in isolation. Healing is best done in community” Anne Wilson Schaef
When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves - Viktor Frankl