With all due respect, I think you are focused on the trees and not seeing the forest. And for that matter, you are focused on the ROTTEN trees. There are a LOT of people who have MLTs and deal with their stuff. We are at that age, I see distress and questioning all around me. And there are people who have serious MLCs and don't leave their families.
The reason we ended up here is because our spouses had MLCs and walked away from US. There are moral, ethical, or simply thematic elements here that cannot be medicated away. I know a man having a serious MLC but he has no interest in leaving his family. However, his wife might leave him because she does not want to follow him to seminary. No telling where that leaves the kids...
And the above happens A LOT. An MLCer will project blame somewhere. If it is on his wife and kids, a lot of us end up here. If it is on his job or FOO, they deal differently. Believe me, that man I know has all the markings of MLC. He has the dead eyes and monster behavior, but it is all directed at his job and lifestyle, which is partly his FOO, and it is starting to go to his W, also, because she is not being supportive, but she is not his target. As I look closer, I see it in more and more people changing jobs or going back to school. I see the unhappiness and the poor pallor, and even the monster. I see their searching, but they are not leaving their wives or families, they are messing with their careers. I started working in adult higher ed in October, and recently have had a LOT of interaction with returning students--never have I seen more walking dead. They hide it well, but all it takes is the question "what brought you here," and the flood gates open...
I think there has always been an acknowledgement of hormonal changes at midlife, and even MLC, but no chemical, hormone, brain disorder, or food reaction makes a person abandon their family. That switch only flips if there was a predisposing condition--personality disorders, FOO issues, something else. And that is what you still have to cure--the thing that made them walk away from the people who promised to love them the most, and the people they created. When they emerge from the fog, no matter what brought it on, will they have fixed whatever it was that caused them to walk away from you?
As I watch my friend struggle with finding his soul and saving his marriage, I see what my exH COULD have done. He could have directed all that pain and rage at his job or his family, but he didn't, he picked me... There is a man who offices down the hall from me in exactly the same position, he has changed careers three times in the last three years, and his wife is patiently waiting for him to find his track. I am not sure if they'll make it either, and it would be another sad marriage lost to MLC, but in a different way.
We see MLC as a disorder because we got the rotten apples. The medical establishment treats pregnancy and childbirth as a disorder also. I have ADHD, but I do not see it as a disorder, I see it as part of what makes me, me and I am successful in a lot of ways and I have attributes that make me exceptionally valuable in the right circumstances. So what if we undergo hormonal and chemical changes at midlife, like teens do—believe me, I have SEEN those testosterone surges. Why is that something to treat, or cure?
What we need to cure is the fact that despite the ability to CHOOSE 100 different directions, they chose what they chose and we think it’s wrong. The crisis is not medical, it is moral, ethical, and philosophical. The cure is not going to come from science. Just my HO, but I find these discussions futile. Love and light, ll
The best thing about banging your head against the wall for so long is that it feels so good when you finally stop...
BD 1/16/10
D Final 7/21/11
exH married OW the next week and moved across the country to be with her...
LL CHOSE to live happily ever after...