I would like some feedback from a mentor, my H is living with Ow and her 2 young kids. He comes on the days I work to get mail. Our younger grnd dtr stays here with me to go to school. My H wants to come to take her to school in the mornings. I want to tell him not to as I feel he should be worried about ow. If I tell him not to come, am I hurting my chances for standing. He has already said he is happy with ow and does not want to keep her a secret. Everyone already knows. He says I am the only one that won't accept that he is not coming back. I feel this is giving my grnd dtr the idea that this ok in a relationship. I don't want her to grow up thinking this is how relationships work please respond
I am not a parent or grandparent, so this doesn't come from personal experience - at this point, you must do what is best for you and your granddaughter. You don't need to appease their every whim - there will be other opportunities to pave the way when the time is right. If this feels like the wrong thing to you, and I understand why it would, then you shouldn't do it just for his benefit. I think a lot of times that gauge within us gives us the answer we need. That's my .02.
New general behavior question:
After monstering, what is the normal behavior of an MLCer? Do they lay low and limit communication? Remain in monster for a while? Communicate but in a cold manner? Would like to know if type makes a difference--boomerang vs vanishers, etc?
There is nothing hard and fast, as each one is unique, and will probably not be consistent throughout their crisis with this. Mine monstered, the monstered more - then monstered and became clingy and kind - then monstered and hid. Just focus on staying consistent yourself with the fact this is not about you - respond not react, and no matter what they do, it will start to affect you less.