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Author Topic: Discussion MLC in the News: Celebrities, News Stories, etc. Part 2

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Discussion Re: MLC in the News: Celebrities, News Stories, etc. Part 2
#140: September 15, 2014, 04:52:00 PM
I don't think Clinton, or JFK, had MLC. They are (were) just cheaters. Was just saying that being a preeminent politician in the US, even at president, level and having an affair, does not get you out of office.

Funny, I cannot find an ounce of charisma in Clinton. He always looked like someone you cannot trust to me.

Sanford means nothing in my little corner of the world. From what I read here he is some american politician going off the rails = having a MLC.
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TV: "True Tori" and "Being Mary Jane"
#141: December 02, 2014, 06:45:36 PM
Hi everyone,

Wondering if any of you also watch True Tori on Lifetime and the show Being Mary Jane. If you follow the news you have probably heard the story of how Tori Spelling was married an left her husband for her also married Affair Partner, Dean. They met on the set of a TV movie, had the affair and left their spouses. Got married and had 4 kids. Well....karma bus....he cheated on her with another actress while on set for another TV movie. Tori is now devistated and being blasted in the media as it being karma. Her H Dean is MLC age range and also has addiction issues. You should take a watch if you are handling an OW and OM issue. Makes me feel better every week.  8) True proof of the dissolution of the affair and its fog. Tuesdays at 9pm on Lifetime.

The other show, Being Mary Jane finished its last season but repeats are being shown on and off. That is not a real show, it is a drama. But still shows the OW fantasy end and its problems.

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In the news...
#142: January 12, 2015, 03:16:08 PM
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« Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 12:38:29 PM by OldPilot »

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Leemo, can you please try posting the link again.  Doesn't seem to be working, thanks.

Edit - try it again - I fixed it! - OldPilot
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« Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 12:39:26 PM by OldPilot »

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This caught my eye. Does this sound like a person who has emerged from the tunnel?

"Rich Terfry, the Canadian musician and CBC Radio 2 host who is best known by his stage name Buck 65, posted an emotional message on his Facebook page Sunday, asking for "help" in his journey "to become a better person."

The 43-year-old, Nova Scotia-born alternative hip hop artist worried fans with the cryptic social media post, which has since been deleted from his profile.

"There's something very important I need to say," Terfry's status read. "I'm not the person you think I am.

"I've destroyed every important relationship in my life by cheating and lying," he continued.

"That includes my marriage."

"I've destroyed every important relationship in my life by cheating and lying. That includes my marriage. Being honest has been a big problem for me for a long time. I've treated a lot of people very badly. I've toyed with people's hearts. I've manipulated and tricked people. I've created a false image of myself here and with my music. I haven't been a good person. At all. I've made myself look like a victim of the people I hurt. I can't do that anymore. So the first step I need to take is to let the world know. I want this to be the first of many steps I take to become a better person. I need a LOT of help with that.

I'm sorry. To the good people I've hurt recently. I'm sorry to the people I've hurt in the past. I'm sorry to everyone for making you believe I'm something I'm not. I'm a $h!tety person. I need help. Like I said, this is just a first step."

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Could be. Or it could be that he was someone who really spend all is life lying and cheating.

Depends of how he used to be and if there was a point when he changed and become a "fake".

But whatever the situation, what it shows it that people can, and do, come to a point when they need to bring it out and aim for recovery/become a better person.
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Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. (Marilyn Monroe)

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"The Reckoning- Time has got a little bill - get wise while yet you may, for the debit sides increasing in a most alarming way; the things you had no right to do, the things you should have done, they're all put down; it's up to you to pay for every one. So eat, drink and be merry, have a good time if you will, But God help you when the time comes and you have to foot the bill." - Robert Service

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Thank you, Offwhitelily. From what he says in the interview he is the LBS. One morning his wife left and when he returned home he found her wedding ring, but she never come back.

But what he wrote on FB seems to point to to him being the one who had been hidding something from people and that he cheated and lied.

If is a little confusing.
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Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. (Marilyn Monroe)

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Been following the Bruce Jenner story lately. It's not MLC, but there was something his ex-wife Linda Thompson wrote for Huffington Post that resonated with me to share for LBS with confused children. I thought what she said, though simple, was worded this in a way that really got to the core of someone having an identity crisis while being a parent.

When the boys were ever especially disappointed by the absence of their father, Linda would do her best to rationalize, saying that when it came to Bruce's emotions "you have to view him in a wheelchair. If he had emotional legs, he'd get up and walk to you, but he just doesn't right now."
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Scott Stapp from Creed's recent psychotic outburst was due to Bipolar disorder. He's early 40's and just now diagnosed.
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