I believe I am closer to full remorse than I am to guilt? Not complete remorse? Could that be possible? I think it takes "them" a long long time, I have been and am giving my H time and patience. It gets to be " a little to much" once in a while and my H now will address it, in his own way. I can see it is very hard for him just as it is for me. I wish I could allow myself to be less guarded, but I am allowing myself time to learn and grow still. I want it all to "just be done" but that is not how it works......
I watched my H with our grandchildren, and adult children over the holiday, He is not the same man he was prior to BD, not at all the same man he was during replay.......he is his "new" self. I love him more and more BUT still find myself "wondering" ......maybe its better to have taken my rose colored glasses off

does make me kind of sad though.....
I hope everyone remains strong and healthy. Enjoys "something"( a child, a flower, a workout, a book) everyday, even during this mess we are all in

My biggest hope for everyone as 2014 approaches is that you truly see remorse from you're spouse, it is bittersweet but nice

(((hugs))) to all