Well what a weekend!! We are probably banned from all venues for having way too much fun and laughter.
I felt an instant connection to all of you and will carry you in my heart until the next time. The MLCers are truly missing out on having some amazing people in their lives.
We did have a discussion about who told their H or W about the weekend and what they were REALLY doing. There was a mixed bag of excuses and explanations on that one. We came up with what we thought would be a reasonable letter to leave for the MLCer to explain things very clearly. This one should leave them wondering and looking like
The letter should be read with acronyms not known to the MLCer,
So here goes:
Dear H,
I am going to GAL with HV, P&D, GD, HC, & LO. We are having a LBS/MLC meet-up but will not be discussing your EA/PA, IMHO it's NOYB anyway. BTW, you will have to look after the needs of S12, D13, S16 & D17. There is plenty of cake to eat in the pantry as I know you love to eat this. Try to keep away from OW and give some thought to some IC for your FOO issues while I am GAL.
I hope this is not TMI for you.
Your W (STBXW)
Well, that explains things
We are all feeling like this after the weekend
Until next time.........................