I was accused, by my h of abusing him for ten years. I had pms and we would argue, my h was very argumentative and would be like a dog with a bone, if we went out drinking and I had pms the argument would escalate. H would never back down and I guess I didn't either. He told me I was angry everytime I didn't get my own way? I wasn't, I got angry when my h goaded and argued with me when I was low, he was the same when I had post natal depression, although he claims to have made a Herculean effort. We pulled apart when things got difficult rather than pulling together.
I think we all exhibit personality disorder traits at different times. BPD sounds a bit like me when my pms was really severe and I had been out drinking, in my twenties!!! I grew out of the angry outbursts ... Does that make it personality disorder? If I was personality disordered would I be able to hide these traits from my kids or my family or my close friends Or my colleagues? Can you grow out of a personality disorder or does it stay with you forever?
My h was really selfish, he told some pretty heinous lies to avoid me abandoning him and he was pretty nasty at times, he was passive aggressive and didnt like it if he didnt get his own way. Does this meAn he has personality disorder or is he just a bit messed up because of his FOO situation?
I need to do a more learning about personality disorders. Being out of the R is giving me a better perspective on myself and his behaviour, especially as things were so tough in the last couple of years due to his MLC and our circumstances, lots of gaslighting, but I still have a way to go in understanding it.