Ahh Sleep, one of my favourite subjects and activities. I've always had insomniac tendencies and now my health problems (CFS/ME) cause me to be exhausted but unable to sleep properly.
I can totally agree about alcohol not being good for sleep, it'll send you off nicely but even if you don't need to get up for multiple toilet trips your sleep will be disturbed and you may wake a lot. There is good scientific evidence for this, but I can't remember the details.
If you go without sleep long enough it will actually kill you. However this takes the best part of two weeks with no sleep at all. You'll be going pretty crazy by that time. As someone else mentioned hallucinations among other things. Without sleep the body loses it's ability to control important things like temperature and blood pressure. The good news is that if you miss say 2 days (16 hours) of sleep you don't need the full 16 hours to catch up. Same applies no matter how long you stay awake.
Personally I need medication to sleep and have done ever since I've been ill. I take an antidepressant at a dose too low for it to be an antidepressant, but it has a side effect of making you sleepy - very useful. This kind of thing is recommended for my health problems. But tbh I'd recommend it to anyone who has trouble sleeping and wants to try medication. It's a much better option than proper sleeping pills as it's not addictive. Tho I know those of you in the US have better access to effective non addictive sleeping pills than we do in the UK.