Pretty much! They are the same as men they are afraid to be alone! That safety net HAS TO BE THERE.
They haven't got enough sense of themselves to make a
CLEAN BREAK instead they delude themselves into thinking they need a
CLEAN SLATE. To rewrite history with. Experience that "high" again. It's just absolutely RIDICULOUS!!!
I can't imagine the anger a man must feel at all of this. If you feel you've done everything you possibly could and this is how it ends???
She'll find out if she doesn't know already. MOST of what she thinking is absolute BULLSH!T.
And everything at BD is BULL$h!te too.
It's going to be up to YOU in the end if you want HER back not the other way around.
They talk about women being "bitter" well let me tell you.. men have the possibility also.
And I'm not trying to say you don't have a perfect right to be especially if you have reached the limit of what you will tolerate.
After that whatever feelings you have you'll have to sort out for yourself. If you ever want to have another relationship or not. With her or someone else.