Going back to her own identity, this is MLC script from my experience with my MLCer and a friend who is clearly MLC, my H said he wanted to go back and fix himself properly. He has been going to all the places he and I used to go to when we were in our mid twenties and ow is 23, the age he was when we met. An ex colleague contacted me a few years ago and said she wanted to get in touch with people who she knew before her H. When she got here with her H and two sons, she told me she had fallen in love with her soul mate (another dad at her kids school) and that she married her h with her head not her heart. MLC SCRIPT.
MLC is a crisis of SELF, they have to lose themselves, all of them, they don't know which is real anymore, in order to find themselves, as I see it. That is very simplistic but kind of makes sense to me. I remember feeling so freaked out by my Hs change in personality and behaviour I said he was like a chameleon, always changing to fit the people around him. When he talked just before BD he said he didn't know who he was anymore, he felt like a chameleon. RCR wrote a really good blog about the teen years and how we try on different personas and try out different personalities as a right of passage. She states that this is what our MLCers are doing, I can really relate to that.
Much love TT xx