Dear Stayed, reading your post was like reliving my life. Once he was promoted to plant manager, perhaps 1998 or so, things changed. I was also working full time but he worked longer hours, had more travel and evenings out for work. I took care of most of the stuff (we did get a cleaning service in) and he was good actually about helping out when he was home...but the routine paying bills, taking our daughter to school, helping with her homework, any appointments, most of her activities, taking care of other family stuff, buying gifts, sending cards, groceries, making food...I used to wonder somehow...when did I ever agree to all this?
In the first 20 years of marriage, things were much more evenly distributed.
And of course I moved, each time he was promoted, giving up my job, my friends, my family and then ultimately leaving our daughter behind.
I was so proud of him, happy and feeling so fortunate to have the lifestyle that we did..but I missed him. I wasn't really important..he did a great job of spoiling me in sweet ways..I truly thought we enjoyed the things that we did together and that he just didn't have much time..other than for work.
I did pursue other interests..never felt like I couldn't do things that I enjoyed..he was always supportive of things that I would go out and do.
Perhaps this is why I am having so much trouble adjusting to being alone...he was such a huge part of my life...people would ask me why I would move whenever he wanted to have that next "experience" and I just felt, I'm his a nurse I can never make the money that he did and so early on, I choose to follow him...after all..I could always get a job as a nurse.
He never really understood how difficult it was for me..used to tell me what wonderful experiences we had and how I had benefited from each move.
I think he was right when he said his unhappiness went back to 2003 when we left Canada..because I had to leave our daughter behind and I was not a happy camper. I was brought up with family Sunday dinners..the first year I was not with her for Mother's day killed me and I vowed that would never happen again.
He did not understand..thought our daughter was an "adult" and was fine on her own...he is a very selfish person....he was so close to his mom and dad that I don't get how very little he cares about having time with his daughter.
I was duped!