Here's my two cents on the Validation bit.... I understand how you feel Bon Bon, totally! "Validate him" sounds a little like those published articles in 16 Magazine we used to read that advised "Let him win in Tennis and be a good sport!"
After all, we know that's how OW hooked him and reeled him in, right? So why would we want to do that? I DON'T!! Plus, you're correct that they dismiss any compliments from us, because..... WTH do we know, right? We're just the old "ball and chain" and we're "supposed" to love them... unlike OW who "Had no choice because she tried to resist him because he was married, but she just couldn't.... her love and sexual attraction were just TOO strong and she gave in, even though she knew she would give up EVERYTHING in the end...." whaaaaaaa.... somebody call the whambulance! I think our husbands' out of control Estrogen levels are turning them into Romance Novel readers or something, LOL!!
Anyway, validating another person's feelings is what the both of you will be called to do in Marriage Counseling.... it is acknowledging the RIGHT of someone to their point of view, whether you agree or disagree with them. Just because you have made a judgement that what he is doing is WRONG, he is entitled to the DIGNITY of making his own choices and mistakes. Validaing means "I hear what you are saying" It DOES NOT mean "and I approve" got that? It means "I hear you".
When you think of getting validation from your husband, I'll bet you are actually expecting him to agree with you or change something once he has HEARD you and your feelings.... but that would be control.... saying how you feel and getting angry if the other person doesn't agree or change to make you feel better. Most of the time, if I say how I feel, my husband may disagree, but I can see that he is thinking about how to give me what I want, because ultimately, it makes him feel good to do something that makes me happy. You hear people say on here all the time "He knows how I feel.... no point in going over and over it.... that would be nagging."
Personally, I felt invisible in my marriage. Which leads me to wonder what is it in me that needed my husband to look at me and agree with everything I do or say? Hmmmm.... classic abandonment issues. Yet, when I get on a stage, I'm validated as smart, attractive, funny, talented by MANY and sometimes thousands of people INSTANTLY!!
The ironic thing is, I recently stated that I often felt invisible in our marriage and my husband HEARD ME and VALIDATED MY FEELINGS and AGREED TO CHANGE..... his reply to my statement was "I can understand how you felt that way. That was my fault, and I'm sorry." We did that all by ourselves, with no help from a counselor, and it was VALIDATION. But he wasn't capable of it until just recently! He KNOWS OW must go, knows it is wrong, knows it hurts me, and agrees, but has not changed TO MY LIKING.... got that? TO MY LIKING.
So, Validation is simply saying to another person "I hear you." that's all. Sorry for the hijack!!