10+ months post BD and still at home. Has had 4 "melt down" moments where she wants to leave / have her space / out of marriage. Yet, here she is still.
After dealing with soldiers for 22 years I have an extremely low tolerance for BS and can sniff it out at the drop of a dime! The way I deal with my MLCer is probably a bit more harsh with certain things at certain times!
First melt downs, I grovelled; was still close to BD and raw. Second I was very matter of fact and told her she could go but making a mistake. Third I was pissed and tried to push her out; she cried 7 I gave in. 4th & most recent asked for a divorce and didn't want anything from me; i can have it all! Cool babe, I accept and lets sell the wedding rings too so we can pay off some debt. Yet once again, her tune changed real quick!
In between all of these, she has T & G enough to try and hang on but still have her space. It has taken me a while to realize she monsters with seduction & pity / crying. And I been falling for it every time. Cake is good and she is hungry!!!
Any time I try to go 180 dim/dark she can sense it immediately and does anything she can to get my attention. She will ask all the are you ok, what is wrong, are you mad questions. Like she don't know! really?

I blow her off until I feel like engaging her!
I think it really bothers her that I am able to get out now and do my own thing and have in fact stopped catering to her all the time. I am not always available. I do not tell her where I go all the time. I will just take D11 and go do things without her like she tried to do to me! I truth dart when I can and they always seem to hit home & shut her up!
Mean Monster - At first I was all pleasant, nice, blah blah...yeah whatever! I think it was the third time she rose up on me after we started therapy! She has what I call "b!tc# mode" and was trying to rage monster at me! I had enough; I got right up in her face, backed her into a corner, put my finger in her face and proceeded to scold her like a child! Basically treated her like I would D11 if she got lippy with me! Told her she better never ever raise her voice to me like that or disrespect me again because I wasn't taking her bull$h!te anymore! Yep, I intimidated her...and it worked! She still has b!tc# mode, but keeps it to herself because I call her on it in a heartbeat!
If she distances, I distance and increase GAL. If she is pleasant, i am pleasant. If she wants to spend time with me or an activity I will accommodate unless something I need to do! If she wants her own time / space, I give it to her. I'll do something with D11 most of the time!
I will go dim/dark or 180 or whatever works on bad behavior.
Yes, I believe in punishing the MLCer for bad behavior. Dim/Dark is not just for me or my sanity; I do it to punish the $h!te out of her because she is a clinging boomerang and it works. She wants my attention so I take it away from her! If she goes shopping for stuff she don't need, and it makes the bills tight, I either make her take it back or I take money away from her and make it impossible for her to have "fun" for a while! This only had to happen a couple times. She acts like a teenager, get treated like one! We keep saying they have regressed to children / teenagers at this stage! I hear a lot about "just ignore it". If your 5 y/o was throwing a tantrum, would you just ignore it, or bust their ass? If my kids throw a tantrum on me, they get a warning and if it persists then punishment ensures! Same with the bratty MLCer; act like a little b!tc#; get treated like one! I personally don't believe this has any bearing on whether or not they will want to reconcile or affect paving the way! Just my opinion though!
OM/affairs - Made it VERY clear from the beginning this wont be tolerated! She got busted in two EA's. I gave her benefit of the doubt on EA1 after a good ass chewing. EA2 I went ballistic. Truth darted her fantasies; truth darted the affair down and how her OM's were $h!te! Told her from that point she lost all privacy and I would check her accounts anytime I wanted. If she ever denied me or changed a password she would lose her electronics/internet access int he house. Showed her the evidence I had collected on EA1 & 2. Told her if I found evidence of another EA or if I ever found out she had a PA, not only would I divorce her, but I would publicly humiliate her with the evidence! If she ever had a PA and I found out, I would have her charged under Georgia Adultery Law which is a misdemeanor and carries a $1000 fine and up to 1 year in county jail! If she wants to date or have a new man, she must divorce me. Told her this flat out and again, I wont stop her!
things I am working on:
Seduction Monster / Pity Monster - I guess when being a b!tc# didn't work she switched tactics on me and I have been a sucker for it since. I am working to stop this behavior; I am enabling her by letting her work my feelings for her! I have to stop "rescuing" her when she cries and stop satisfying her needs when she wants them (and its always only when she wants them).
Starting to be more independent and do things on my own. I am not so quick to jump on family outings or do things with her just because she invites me! I have to show her she will eventually los me!
Where am I in all this:
F**king Tired! I am ready for her to move out and do her work! I am at a point where it wont take me long to recover the loss. I am pretty sure I'll be the one that files if we divorce! I am waiting to see if a couple things happen and based on those will determine if I stay or go!
I am starting to pack things up & store them to make it easier when the time comes if that is the path I choose!
The psychologist thinks he will stay home because he is a really big conflict avoid-er and cannot sustain an affair relationship for too long because of this. He does not want another woman, in the psychologist's opinion, just validation from another woman man that he she is attractive and needs to hear how wonderful he she is from her him. This is the main difference about the stay at home MLCer - conflict avoidance apparently is a big deal.
That is interesting ......... I can see my H in there. I never realized before what a big conflict avoider he is.
There, I fixed it a bit and that describes mine perfectly!
I am curious - did your MLCer ever live alone before you got married? My H never lived alone. He went from one parent to the other, lived with roommates and GF for a few years, lived with grandma, then with me. I on the other hand lived alone for several years.
No she did not. Plucked her right out of college and mommy & daddy home! I on the other hand had been on my own since I was 17 and had already served 4 years in the USMC! And it isn't like she didn't have any time to "party" with her friends either. She was pretty wild when I met her and had already been in college over 2 years!