My wife took her ring off immediately after she left the boys and me. I kept mine on for about 6 months or so. When I finally realized that my commitment to the marriage made no difference to her, I took it off. I have my ring sitting up on my bureau in the bed room. My wife had it inscribed before she gave it to me with our wedding date, and with our initials. The ring is very special to me, and it always will be special to me. If she ever comes out of her messed up world, and decides to try and put our relationship together again, we will have to work together to rebuild that relationship. Our past relationship and marriage are over. Whatever happens in the future will be new. If we are able to rebuild our relationship, it is my hope that we will be able to exchange our rings once again, to symbolize our renewed commitment to each other. That is a long ways off though, and I can only hope for that outcome.