I wanted to talk about methods people use to help them cope with the craziness. Methods of helping detach, take care of yourself and your positive mental attitude (PMA), deal with depression, etc.
It could be as simple as going for a walk, taking herbs or ADs, making time for a bath or lifting weights...
I want to share a method I use called EFT, or Emotional Freedom Technique. I learned it through a website I frequent called
www.mercola.com - it's an alternative medical website run by a DO Dr. Mercola.
Basically EFT is accupressure combined with emotional release. When I first read it, I thought "yeah, right." About a year later, I was dealing with my stepson who had major anger issues and we decided to give it a try. We found a local practitioner and in ONE SESSION, he was able to let go of the anger he had at his stepfather for physically and emotionally abusing him. It works, that's all I can say.
You can find a ton of how to tutorials on youtube... here's one example.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YN3FUX593sE I have used it to help me detach from H's MLC, get over being afraid of public speaking, cravings for foods, and depression.
I admit, it's strange looking but it takes minutes to learn and work, give it a try today. What do you have to lose?
PS for those of you afraid of new age-type stuff, this woman that I selected was just first in the line... she does seem to have a new age slant of "get your money handed to you from the universe" but the message is still good and the EFT does work, I promise you. Ignore the new age stuff and just use the technique.