No, MLCers are not psychopaths. Psychopath fell no guilt or shame. MLCers do. I had been having a long conversation with one of my brother's girlfriends who is becoming a doctor. She loves neurology and knows I am into in. We talked about many issues, including big farma, neurology, neuroscience and psychiatry. She had during her training, see psychopaths, she says they are very strange.
Kikki, you were right on the money, big farma is not interested in any research that does not lead to big bucks. They are not even interested in anything that can be cured. They only like chronic illnesses, illness causded by virus, many of which are scientifically curable, and so on. My brother's girlfriend also told that therapist don't have much of an interest in a number of things to be solved/cured because that means they would be out of a job.
Another thing she confirmed is that psychiatric is being more and more merged with neurology. Psychiatry used to have epilepsy epilepsy and the dementias, but when organic causes for those were found, they moved to neurology. She says soon, as more and more is knows and since no psychiatric illness falls out of the blue, mentall illness will be on neurology. However, she left it clear that, for now, there is no knowledge to cure mentall illness (aside from the least serious typed of depression). Same for the dememtias, we still cannot cure them. And because of big pharma, may never will. But meds to stop Alzeimer's and Parkinson's from going futther are already on clinical trials and, at a point, will be on the marked.
Also, several European countries, Portugal included, have the right to produce meds that big pharma has no interest on, and there are several research groups here and in other countries working on meds that will be produced by the state. The idea is that the French state will produce one type of those meds, Germany another, Portugal yet another and so on. There will no profit on those meds.
Anothe thing she told me, and I think we are all aware of it, is how difficult it is to diagnose, let alone correctly, a mental illness. Psychiatris relly on self reference, a bit on relatives of the patient reference, and not much more. In POrtugal, a psychiatris (I am talking about the National Health Service ones) will tend to request blood tests and a brain scan to eliminate organic causes (thyroid, brain tumour, etc). Then, it is more or less a guess and going by their knowledge. She says psychiatrists have it rough because their diagnosis is essencially based on their accement, not on tests.
High Energy MLCers do not have reduced activity, quite the opposite. I don't think they suffer from Frontal Lobe Syndrome. Plus, when the crisis is over, they go back to normal. I am not saying that the frontal is not affected, ut may be, but they don't have the syndrome in itself.
Still, we know much more about the brain than we did, but we still do not know enough. And it is doubful that anyone will be interested in financing a study of MLCers, their brains, hormonal levels, etc. Unless some charitable eccentric billionaire is up to it.
MLCers have their brain chemicals changed. Depression alone would be a reason for the change in moral behaviour because of all the brain areas it affects. Same for when one is drunk. Being drunk affects several brain areas and leasd to all sorts of behaviours.
I think we more or less have an idea of what is going on inside the MLCers brain. But we have no way of treat it. And that is the problem.
Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. (Marilyn Monroe)